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Philanthropy research

Wealthy millennials less engaged by giving appeals, finds new research

Alliance magazine 27 April 2021

New research reveals that the charity sector might be at risk of losing a generation of wealthy millennial givers. The study, which was produced by Beacon Collaborative, found that generalist fundraising approaches don’t engage this …

ACF report: Covid-19 has set back foundations’ work on climate change

Elika Roohi 22 April 2021

An interim report on the progress of the UK climate philanthropy commitment has highlighted the need for foundations to accelerate efforts to fulfil their climate commitments, with many noting that the pandemic has slowed their …

Plans to double Australian giving in Philanthropy Australia blueprint

Alliance magazine 21 April 2021

Philanthropy Australia has unveiled a blueprint it believes can help double the level of structured giving in Australia over the next decade by encouraging actions across the philanthropic, not-for-profit, business, and government sectors. ‘There is …

Will the pandemic usher in a new era of corporate philanthropy?

Iain Rawlinson and Ben Morton Wright 19 April 2021

Seven in ten US corporate funders surveyed by the Charities Aid Foundation of America had increased their charitable contributions in 2020. We have also seen revolutionary approaches to giving from major foundations who are issuing …

Impactful giving demands engaged families

1 Etienne Eichenberger and Peter Vogel 17 April 2021

How engaged is your family with your foundation? Are they passionate about giving or do they see it as something distant or inherited, like antique furniture? Let’s take it a step further. How aligned is …

Funders and investors working on equity need accountability

Shante Little and Curt Lyon 16 April 2021

Over the past several decades, the fields of community development, community investment, and impact investment have evolved in response to demands from activists and the communities they serve. These capital providers are addressing financing gaps …

In Latin America, improving social and environmental impact

Carolina Suarez and Alan Wagenberg 12 April 2021

Poverty and inequality have been the common denominator in Latin America, and the pandemic has exacerbated these gaps causing greater strain to an already weak health and educational systems. The pandemic has revealed the consequences …

Survey: What has had the greatest impact on philanthropy over the last 25 years?

Alliance magazine 6 April 2021

As part of Alliance magazine’s anniversary celebrations, we want to know your views on the greatest philanthropic initiatives over the last 25 years. As a part of a survey running this month, we’re asking: Has …

The right-hand missing problem

Livija Rojc Štremfelj 3 April 2021

Having enjoyed the first ERNOP Science and Society Seminar on Sustaining Voluntary Energy by Professor Lucas Meys from Rotterdam School of Management, I found myself pondering upon the volunteer management situation in Slovenia. If I …

Sustaining volunteer energy when fuel capacity is low

Gabriella Civico 2 April 2021

Considering the topic of the first ERNOP Science and Society Seminar, I cannot help noticing that the comparison of volunteers with renewable energy is already there for quite some time. Marian Harkin was a member …