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Climate philanthropy

Six steps towards greener investments

Nando van Kleeff 1 June 2021

Foundations’ financial role in reaching a net zero carbon future  is not confined to the money they give away The amount of philanthropic funding currently going towards the world’s gravest problem is clearly inadequate. But …

The front-line generation

Winnie Asiti 1 June 2021

Guest editor Winnie Asiti talks with climate activists Nisreen Elsaim in Sudan and Kassim Gawusu-Toure in Ghana about the journey to climate justice being driven by the younger generation Nisreen Elsaim WA: Nisreen, could you introduce yourself and tell …

Time to give the climate justice movement its due

Isaiah Toroitich 1 June 2021

The climate justice movement has a vital role in achieving delivery of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030 – but it’s not always seen that way They come in different shapes, sizes and colours. Some …

Delivering Paris with 1,001 stories

1 Richard Black 1 June 2021

Solving climate change is possible, but we have to tell the right stories to the right people – and we have to do it now If we act now, solving climate change is absolutely feasible. …

Collaboration is the route to transformation

Sandrine Dixson-Declève 1 June 2021

Philanthropy needs to step up its partnerships with other sectors to bring about the radical transformation that the world needs The Covid pandemic has brought the climate crisis to the forefront of the international agenda …

Applying the lessons of Covid

Stefan Schurig 1 June 2021

Covid-19 is a global vulnerability experience. The F20 platform can help philanthropy play its part in applying the lessons to climate change While governments are currently trying to prepare for the worst impacts of the …

Global Updates

Alliance magazine 1 June 2021

This is our round-up of philanthropy news around the world featured in the June 2021 issue of Alliance: The Americas Cross-racial network targets climate justice groups Bezos Earth Fund recruits senior personnel Latimpacto study illuminates …

So much to gain, all to lose

Charles Keidan 1 June 2021

‘Will we be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them that we did everything we could, when just 2 per cent of philanthropic giving is directed towards mitigating climate …

There’s a climate crisis: here’s what philanthropy should do

Leslie Johnston 31 May 2021

Last year, Ellen Dorsey, of the Wallace Global Fund, called on philanthropy to declare a climate crisis. Stating the urgency to act on our current climate emergency, she challenged funders to accelerate their efforts and …

Racial justice and climate action

Shalinder Carter 23 May 2021

The Black Lives Matter movement, the killing of George Floyd, extreme storms, apocalyptic wildfires, soaring temperatures, and an increase in droughts and floods – all  in 2020 – and all against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, …