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Climate philanthropy

25th anniversary reader survey

Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Alliance survey exclusive: Gates and Ford top perceptions of the foundations with the most positive impact worldwide Worldwide survey of Alliance readers identifies the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Ford Foundation as having the …

Experience is a profound teacher

Alliance magazine 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Reflections from a diverse group of celebrated philanthropy practitioners on the key lessons learned from the past 25 years working in the sector Blurred lines of profit and not-for-profit Atallah Kuttab, founder SAANED for Philanthropy …

In love and rage

Caroline Hartnell 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Philanthropy needs to deploy rage along with love if it is to tackle the existential threat of climate change Charles asked me to write about my journey from philanthropy to climate activism. ‘Philanthropy’ literally means …

Meet the philennials

Alliance magazine 31 August 2021

A dedicated group of philanthropy practitioners born in the same year as Alliance was launched share their hopes for a better world An anniversary issue of Alliance magazine would not be complete without hearing the …

In Himalayan region, conflict costs heavy on climate change

1 Bilal Ahmad Pandow 28 August 2021

It has been over two years since the government of India has made legislative changes in Jammu and Kashmir, clamming it to be an internal matter, however, Pakistan and China have reacted sharply to the …

Fondation de France on what its learned from 50 years of climate work

1 Alliance magazine and International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change 24 August 2021

Fondation de France has been committed to funding environmental action for 50 years – the foundation’s moment of awakening was in the 1970s during the oil crisis. Since that time, it has joined the French …

Philanthropy must act on ‘code red for humanity’

Benjamin Bellegy 17 August 2021

We all know that climate change is no longer a crisis. It has become an emergency. A groundbreaking report published earlier this month by the world’s leading authority on climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on …

How funders worried by the UN climate report can address the climate crisis

Liz Gadd 10 August 2021

As the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report declares ‘code red for humanity,’ now is the time for funders, regardless of their mission, to address the climate crisis. It is hoped that, if we can cut …

Nature-based Solutions: SEE Foundation’s response to climate change

Zhang Li 3 August 2021

As China takes an increasingly active part in global climate governance, nature-based solutions (NbS) are becoming correspondingly important to the country’s approach. In light of this and of the eight criteria of the IUCN Global …

Fund ‘Cinderella causes’ to push Earth Overshoot Day back

Florence Miller 29 July 2021

This year we’ll hit Earth Overshoot Day, the day by which we’ve used up the ecological resources that the Earth could regenerate in one year, on 29 July, fully five months before the end of …