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Climate philanthropy

Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation on tackling climate in Europe

Alliance magazine and International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change 28 September 2021

For foundations that are trying to apply a climate lens to their existing programmes, those working on food systems will have an easier time than perhaps those with arts programmes. The Daniel and Nina Carasso …

Italian commitment to climate change action launched

1 Alliance magazine 27 September 2021

Sixty-one foundations and philanthropic organisations in Italy have joined a commitment to action on climate change launched by Assifero, the Italian association of grantmaking foundations. Italy’s climate commitment for the philanthropy sector joins a number …

Philanthropic action on climate has been too slow – is the rise of green intermediaries the answer?

Isabelle Gerretsen 23 September 2021

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a profoundly alarming warning last month: human activities are altering the climate in unprecedented and irreversible ways. As the planet continues to warm, we face more …

Alliance event: 25 years in philanthropy

Elika Roohi 21 September 2021

To celebrate the special milestone of 25 years and 100 issues of Alliance magazine being at the heart of global philanthropy, Alliance hosted an event at the Aga Khan Centre in London last week with …

The ocean is our global heirloom: Philanthropy needs to treat (and fund) it that way

Conniel Malek 21 September 2021

The ocean is our global commons, our birthright, our collective heritage, and our heirloom. This concept is enshrined under international law – the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). However, laws and …

The Lewis Foundation on climate action in South Africa

Alliance magazine and International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change 14 September 2021

The Lewis Foundation in South Africa with its focus on conservation has always had the environment at the centre of its work, but it was their membership with Independent Philanthropy Association of South Africa (IPASA) …

Grants for clean air less than one per cent of total global philanthropic funding

Elika Roohi 7 September 2021

Philanthropic funding for clean air amounts to 0.1 per cent of grants worldwide, according to a new report from the Clean Air Fund. And while philanthropic funding for clean air projects has increased, it is …

Philanthropy keeps Zimbabwe afloat as frequent climate disasters hit the country

1 Andrew Mambondiyani 2 September 2021

Zimbabwe is in the clasp of a crippling economic crisis resulting from a mix of climate change disasters and fiscal policies enacted by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government. Millions of people in the country continue to …

Here’s how philanthropy can change: editorial team shares recommendations in Alliance’s 100th issue

Alliance magazine 31 August 2021

Global philanthropy should increase diversity on every level and facilitate wider ownership of the philanthropy debate, increase levels of participation and trust-based philanthropy, urgently commit more resources to tackle climate change, and fulfil its unique …

Bending the arc of philanthropy towards justice

Maria Chertok, Caroline Hartnell, Charles Keidan, Elika Roohi and Ingrid Srinath 31 August 2021

Philanthropy has changed a lot, but you don’t see how your own child grows Our field has undergone profound shifts in the last 25 years amounting to a quiet revolution. Put crudely, international philanthropy a …