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Climate philanthropy

Hobson’s choice – tax and philanthropy

Charles Keidan 30 November 2021

Too often, asking wealthy people to give more philanthropically or requiring them to pay more tax is presented as a binary choice. But does it have to be this way?  Graham Hobson is an unusually …

Time for Nigeria’s ultra-wealthy to get behind climate change philanthropy

Adetokunbo Abiola 29 November 2021

Nigeria ranks as the fifty-eighth most vulnerable and the twenty-second least ready nation to adapt to the threats of climate change, a degree of unpreparedness which was already in evidence in the confusion following the …

Demanding healthy, sustainable and just food environments

Chris Gee 18 November 2021

How could our food system transform to maximise planetary, human, and animal wellbeing? The problem. Our food system is incompatible with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Europe, increasing production and excessive promotion …

UK foundation giving to environmental causes is on the up, but still a drop in the ocean

Florence Miller and Patricia Cremona 17 November 2021

After years of little change, annual giving from UK foundations for environmental work nearly doubled between 2015/16 and 2018/19, a hugely encouraging upswing. At £222 million, annual giving levels still have a long way to …

Alliance webinar: The future of philanthropy in Asia

Annmarie McQueen 16 November 2021

Change is inevitable, but what forms will it take? Asian philanthropists pivoted almost immediately to tackle the first wave of the pandemic, reflecting the flexible, innovative and catalytic nature of philanthropy. As funders rise to …

The climate philanthropy statesman

Elika Roohi 16 November 2021

GLASGOW – The Hewlett Foundation has traditionally been one of the biggest and longstanding funders in the climate philanthropy space, but this year they are asking their board to increase their budget by 40 per …

On the impact of air pollution: Speaking with the Clean Air Fund at COP26

Alliance magazine 16 November 2021

So far, air pollution has ranked low down the list of climate priorities. Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan met Jane Burston and Sean Maguire of the Clean Air Fund at COP26 in Glasgow and asked …

10 lessons from a decade in climate philanthropy

Elsa Özmen 16 November 2021

I started working in climate philanthropy over a decade ago. At the time, less than two per cent of all philanthropic contributions went towards climate change. For the climate community, the disappointing summit of Copenhagen …

$3m from philanthropy to kickstart loss & damage funding at COP26; public funds don’t follow

Alliance magazine 15 November 2021

Leading climate funders, including the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), the European Climate Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, and the Global Greengrants Fund, have committed an initial $3 million in start-up assistance …

All hands on deck: Philanthropy’s extraordinary moment

Leslie Johnston 11 November 2021

Philanthropic capital must play a bigger role in driving the systems shift we need Pressure is on here in Glasgow. Governments are rebalancing commitments so that they are on the right trajectory for Paris alignment. …