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Climate philanthropy

IKEA, CIFF give $67m to Clean Air Fund to tackle global air pollution

Simon Hungin 1 April 2023

The Clean Air Fund, the world’s largest philanthropically funded organisation focused on tackling air pollution, has received a funding boost of $67 million from both IKEA Foundation ($40 million) and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation …

Listening to the spaces in between

S. Mona Sinha 24 March 2023

Recently I was at a roundtable meeting at a prestigious philanthropic institution, in which potential solutions to climate change were being discussed. Everyone was talking about the problems; repeating the same old lines and the …

Alliance for philanthropy and partners builds on COP27 commitments with Vietnam government

Simon Hungin 22 March 2023

A partnership between philanthropy and government in Vietnam will support the country’s ambitious climate and energy goals to reach net-zero by 2050. Last month, the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) signed memorandums …

Climate investment is too focused on technology. Time to focus on human behaviour.

Charlotte Vangsgaard and Ujjwal Gupta 9 March 2023

When it comes to implementing green technologies, consumer behaviors are replete with contradiction: while it is cheaper to produce wind and solar energy today, many communities are defeating clean energy proposals because they find wind …

Crises happen, get ready

Alliance magazine 7 March 2023 For Subscribers

How should we prepare for crisis?  To mark the publication of our special feature in the December 2022 issue, Alliance hosted a digital event on crisis, reaction and resilience  ‘What are your insights on effective …

Global Updates

Alliance magazine 7 March 2023 For Subscribers

This is our round-up of philanthropy news around the world featured in the March 2023 issue of Alliance: Arab Region Research highlights shortfall in HNWI succession plans Strategic giving prospers in Saudi Arabia Alliance regional …

Deliberate climate misinformation is delaying climate action: we need new funding models to combat it

Harriet Kingaby 27 February 2023

According to a 2022 report by Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD), between 55 per cent and 85 per cent of people in surveyed countries believe some form of climate misinformation. The predictable result of deliberate …

Climate funding to be half of Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s total grantmaking

Simon Hungin 14 February 2023

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund will spend an additional $100 million on climate mitigation over the next decade – and funding for climate will make up almost half of their total grantmaking this year. RBF feels …

A power shift to the front lines of the climate crisis

12 Heather McGray 8 February 2023

The Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) provides grants to organizations that support women, youth, and Indigenous Peoples to create and share their own solutions for climate resilience. CJRF puts people, their rights, and their lived …

Laudes Foundation invests €3m in regenerating landscapes in Brazil

Simon Hungin 6 February 2023

Laudes Foundation, in partnership with IDH, is investing €3 million into regenerating landscapes in Brazil’s Caatinga biome, one of the world’s most biodiverse semi-arid regions. The funding will also be aimed at tackling issues of …