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Coverage of philanthropy comes of age

Charles Keidan 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Philanthropy media and communications infrastructure is poised for growth but there’s still work to do A specialist philanthropy sector media is on the brink of maturity. In common with philanthropy infrastructure in general, the most …

Where will the focus fall?

Alliance magazine 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Philanthropists and practitioners, some of whom were starting out at the same time as Alliance was commencing its own 25-year journey, tell Andrew Milner where they are hoping the philanthropic spotlight will shine during the …

Still seeking good billionaires

Matthew Bishop 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

The idea of philanthrocapitalism has made greater progress than its application, but it can still live up to its promise In early 2006, I wrote a special report for The Economist, called ‘The Business of …

In love and rage

Caroline Hartnell 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Philanthropy needs to deploy rage along with love if it is to tackle the existential threat of climate change Charles asked me to write about my journey from philanthropy to climate activism. ‘Philanthropy’ literally means …

Meet the philennials

Alliance magazine 31 August 2021

A dedicated group of philanthropy practitioners born in the same year as Alliance was launched share their hopes for a better world An anniversary issue of Alliance magazine would not be complete without hearing the …

25 years? That’s a long time. 100 issues? Miraculous

Carole Shelbourn George 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

The founding editor of Alliance takes a trip down memory lane to recall how a dinner in Paris set off a sequence of events that a quarter of a century ago led to the creation …

Be not afraid to challenge

Alliance magazine 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Alliance’s editorial stance comes under the scrutiny of three philanthropy veterans and long-time supporters – who offer some sharply conflicting advice Be more woke Christopher Harris, philanthropy consultant and former member of Alliance’s editorial advisory board I …

Where next for Alliance?

Charles Keidan and David Drewery 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Ambitious future plans will ensure that Alliance continues to develop its role at the heart of global philanthropy As with most small charities, a lot of Alliance’s strategies over the last 25 years have focused …

Feminist friendship as method: experiences of re-organising power in philanthropy

Ruby Johnson and Devi Leiper O’Malley 27 August 2021

In this series, we explore the significance of friendship in philanthropy and our movements. Lisa M. Tillman-Healy argues the merit of using ‘friendship’ as a method of qualitative inquiry which involves researching with ‘the practices, …

It’s time to change the future of funding for youth action

Vanessa Stevens, Elisa Novoa, Freya Seath and Sonya Friel 26 August 2021

This year’s International Youth Day provided an opportunity to recognize how young people have endured the pandemic and to celebrate their actions for community recovery and resilience. It was also a call to the global community …