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Gates, Soros team up on access to medical technology

4 Elika Roohi 10 September 2021

Despite sharp differences in their approach to global health, Bill Gates and George Soros’s respective foundations have teamed up to support medical technology through an initiative by the Soros Economic Development Fund and the Bill …

Looking back, looking ahead: Impact investing at a crossroads

Amit Bouri 8 September 2021

In the earliest days of a formal impact investing industry, the concept itself was radical. I vividly recall sitting in an office with my mentor and former boss, shortly before the Global Impact Investing Network …

Grants for clean air less than one per cent of total global philanthropic funding

Elika Roohi 7 September 2021

Philanthropic funding for clean air amounts to 0.1 per cent of grants worldwide, according to a new report from the Clean Air Fund. And while philanthropic funding for clean air projects has increased, it is …

Alliance poll: philanthropy to experience Asian boom

Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan 6 September 2021

Philanthropy is primed for explosive growth across Asia, respondents to an Alliance survey published in the magazine’s special 100th issue have predicted. Almost half of the respondents forecast that Asia will see the most growth …

Philanthropy mobilises to support Afghan refugees

1 Alliance magazine 6 September 2021

Philanthropy is stepping up to provide support to Afghan refugees, including a $15.7 million grants from the LEGO Foundation, a $10 million emergency fund from Open Society Foundations, and a pledge from Airbnb to provide …

My dream for philanthropy: more trust and support for youth-led groups

2 Solomon Tawanda Ndondo 3 September 2021

Starting an organization as a young person with passion and drive is one of the most difficult yet rewarding experiences. When I started Africa Rise Foundation, which empowers young people to obtain quality education and …

Alliance anniversary poll: Gates and Ford had most positive impact over last 25 years

Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan 31 August 2021

Alliance readers have identified the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Ford Foundation as the two standout foundations which have achieved the most positive impact on the world over the last 25 years. This …

Here’s how philanthropy can change: editorial team shares recommendations in Alliance’s 100th issue

Alliance magazine 31 August 2021

Global philanthropy should increase diversity on every level and facilitate wider ownership of the philanthropy debate, increase levels of participation and trust-based philanthropy, urgently commit more resources to tackle climate change, and fulfil its unique …

Bending the arc of philanthropy towards justice

Maria Chertok, Caroline Hartnell, Charles Keidan, Elika Roohi and Ingrid Srinath 31 August 2021

Philanthropy has changed a lot, but you don’t see how your own child grows Our field has undergone profound shifts in the last 25 years amounting to a quiet revolution. Put crudely, international philanthropy a …

25th anniversary reader survey

Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Alliance survey exclusive: Gates and Ford top perceptions of the foundations with the most positive impact worldwide Worldwide survey of Alliance readers identifies the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Ford Foundation as having the …