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Evolving donor practices give rise to optimism

1 Michael D. Layton 25 September 2021

First, I have to acknowledge the effort that went into planning and executing the Symposium. The talented people at the New England International Donors (NEID) and The Philanthropy Initiative (TPI) were incredibly thoughtful and intentional …

Lessons on listening

1 Lee Pelton 25 September 2021

It’s all about listening. As I had the honour of talking with Theo Sowa, co-chair of the Equality Fund, during our keynote session at the Innovations in International Philanthropy Symposium, that word, listening, resonated again …

We need ears to the ground to achieve global change

1 Karen Keating Ansara 24 September 2021

 ‘It’s important for us all to become aware of how we listen, what we listen to and how this affects what we do.’ – Theo Sowa, Co-Chair, The Equality Fund Philanthropy is inherently shaped – …

Make communities thrive, not just survive, through flexible funding

1 Deval Sanghavi 24 September 2021

While many in North America and Europe have had the privilege of being double vaccinated, and schools and offices are slowly reopening making individual feel like the worst is now behind them, it was clear …

Philanthropic action on climate has been too slow – is the rise of green intermediaries the answer?

Isabelle Gerretsen 23 September 2021

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a profoundly alarming warning last month: human activities are altering the climate in unprecedented and irreversible ways. As the planet continues to warm, we face more …

Power of networks can be a beacon for women and girls

Jane Sloane 22 September 2021

The fall of Afghanistan was on the minds of those who joined our Innovations in International Philanthropy Symposium session on women and girls. Our conversation was a primer in effective networking strategies to support women …

Alliance event: 25 years in philanthropy

Elika Roohi 21 September 2021

To celebrate the special milestone of 25 years and 100 issues of Alliance magazine being at the heart of global philanthropy, Alliance hosted an event at the Aga Khan Centre in London last week with …

How do we speak about modern grant-making?

Jasmine Awad 21 September 2021

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending Alliance magazine’s first in-person event of the year to celebrate its 100th issue and 25 years in philanthropy. I must say, after all these months attending online …

Alliance event today! What can the future of philanthropy learn from its past?

Alliance magazine 16 September 2021

Join Alliance magazine today at 2 p.m. BST to listen in on a conversation exploring the role of philanthropy in creating a more just and equitable future. As Alliance celebrates its 25th anniversary and marks …

The Lewis Foundation on climate action in South Africa

Alliance magazine and International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change 14 September 2021

The Lewis Foundation in South Africa with its focus on conservation has always had the environment at the centre of its work, but it was their membership with Independent Philanthropy Association of South Africa (IPASA) …