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Transforming philanthropy with feminist principles

Ndana Bofu-Tawamba, Virisila Buadramo, Vinita Sahasranaman, Lorena Medina, Terry de Vries, Laura Carvajal and Kate Kroeger 10 December 2021

We are living through transformative times. As the Covid-19 pandemic and the climate crisis accentuate systemic economic, racial, and global inequalities, as human rights and democracies are under siege, and as social movements call attention …

Gates philanthropy is 40% of all cross-border development funding, finds OECD report

Alliance magazine 9 December 2021

The OECD Centre on Philanthropy has launched a report today looking at the role of private philanthropy for development – the report is the second edition of Private Philanthropy for Development and provides open and …

Are time-limited projects outdated?

Hugh Davidson 8 December 2021

 ‘As soon as donor money stops, the project ends.’ This remark, by Rakesh Rajani, Vice President of Programs at Co-Impact, sets out the prevailing orthodoxy in international aid. In light of this, why do funders …

Philanthropy-backed multi-million dollar climate awards announce recipients

Alliance magazine 7 December 2021

Three leaders in climate change mitigation have today each received $3 million from the Climate Breakthrough Project, a philanthropy-backed initiative that offers annual awards to individuals with cutting-edge climate change mitigation ideas that haven’t yet …

Bias and narrow thinking hold back food and climate action, finds report

Alliance magazine 6 December 2021

A new report about evidence, influence, and food systems from the Global Alliance for the Future of Food has found that there are viable food solutions to the current climate, biodiversity, and hunger crises going …

Preventing a global-scale famine

Ariel Conn 1 December 2021

In the last two years, we’ve seen that a global shock like a pandemic can have many unexpected and cascading impacts. Moreover, the pandemic didn’t occur in a vacuum. In addition to dealing with the …

Global Updates

Alliance magazine 30 November 2021

This is our round-up of philanthropy news around the world featured in the December 2021 issue of Alliance: The Americas Brazilian alliance targets Indigenous communities Racial equity’s $8.5bn mismatch  Action to save the planet stalls at 2% barrier  Co-Impact opens …

A moment between then and now

Ruth Richardson 30 November 2021

We must take the opportunity offered by events to reconfigure the world’s food systems – and that involves seeing them as systems When we first sat down to conceptualise this issue, we thought about the …

In profile: Food Systems Philanthropy

Alliance magazine 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

From production to distribution and consumption, philanthropy helps to shape global food systems. Here is a snapshot of some of the principal organisations and groups active in the field. Funders for Regenerative Agriculture (FORA) aims …

Philanthropy’s role past and future

Michael Quinn Patton 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

Growing more food has been the global response to food insecurity. It will no longer suffice and philanthropy should be prepared to lend its hand to a more thoroughgoing change In the build-up to the UN …