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Philanthropy is ripe for change: I explore how on Philanthropisms podcast

Charles Keidan 12 July 2022

There is no typical career journey in philanthropy. Routes into and out of leadership roles are many and varied. I was reminded of that when I spoke recently to Rhodri Davies’s Philanthropisms podcast about my …

The cost of living crisis demands a Covid-style response

Naomi Chapman 11 July 2022

Life is getting more expensive for everyone. In Britain, the official inflation rate is 9.1 per cent. America is not far behind at 8.6 per cent. Across the EU it’s averaging 8.8 per cent. But …

Azim Premji Foundation, Wellspring Fund among winners recognised in awards for SDG work

1 Alliance magazine 10 July 2022

Organisations and funders were celebrated during the Catalyst 2030 Awards for Systemic Change 2022. Catalyst 2030 is a global movement of people and organisations that are powering systems change to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals …

How can philanthropy adopt a human-first approach to achieve the SDGs?

Jakira Khanam 8 July 2022

The events of the past two years have left a lasting impact on all of us. Existing inequalities have been exacerbated, both within and between countries. We’ve seen the reversal of progress on multiple Sustainable …

Industrial models of food and energy are failing. The G7 must do better.

Ruth Richardson and Stefan Schurig 2 July 2022

There was much debate over what should have been the central topic of discussion at this year’s G7 summit in Germany. It was set against a turbulent backdrop that global leaders meet: the war in …

To reimagine philanthropy, go back to its roots: the love of humanity

Sarah Henry 1 July 2022

Philanthropy’s practices have moved it so far away from its definition of loving humanity. Intersectional feminism offers a roadmap for the way back. Stop dividing people into groups based on unrealistic and artificial singular boxes. …

Pride & prejudice: Is philanthropy failing the global LGBTQI+ community?

1 Allan McKinnon 30 June 2022

As Pride month draws to a close, one could be forgiven for thinking there was a plethora of philanthropic support for pro-LGBTQI+ organisations. The truth is sadly far different. Pro-LGBTQI+ organisations receive just 0.35 per …

Alliance event: Learning from failure in philanthropy

Annmarie McQueen 28 June 2022

‘If you haven’t failed, you’re not trying hard enough….’ It seems like a no-brainer. Learning from failure contributes to high-quality implementation, strategic innovation and improved governance and transparency. Yet despite the fact that all funders …

Navigating the challenges of funding in and around the global commercial sex industry

Emily Nielsen Jones 27 June 2022

Is the sex industry an empowering human right to be legalised and mainstreamed? Or patriarchal sexual exploitation? About ten years ago, I went on one of my first donor trips with a group of women …

Aga Khan Foundation holds global education forum across ten countries

1 Alliance magazine 25 June 2022

The Aga Khan Foundation — together with UNICEF, the Regional Education and Learning Initiative, and the Government of Tanzania — have joined together for Schools2030. The programme’s inaugural global forum was held this week, bringing …