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The State of Social Giving in South Africa

Alliance magazine 1 March 2006

The two studies described below are both part of the State of Social Giving in South Africa project, established to analyse resource mobilization for poverty and development in South Africa since 1994. Research teams looked …

Community Foundation for the western region of Zimbabwe – Refining the spirit of community philanthropy

Inviolatta Moyo 1 March 2006

Giving is instinctive for communities in Africa, and retracing and refining this time-honoured ethos was what led to the formation of the Community Foundation for the Western Region of Zimbabwe (CFWRZ), officially launched in March …

Horizontal Philanthropy (2)

Susan Wilkinson-Maposa and Alan Fowler 1 September 2005

An article in the June edition of Alliance introduced the notion of horizontal philanthropy – poor people helping others in need – contrasted with the more conventional and visible vertical philanthropy from rich to poor. …

Hand over the keys to the Toyota

Nick Cater 1 September 2005

Repeat after me: ‘Expatriates are essential for successful international aid.’ Just saying the words reveals how dated and offensive such an idea is; yet the northern-controlled system for development and relief programmes – state funders …

Corporate social investment in South Africa – Social justice not high on the agenda

Christa Kulijan 1 June 2005

More than ten years after South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994, apartheid’s social and economic legacy remains. The majority of its nearly 45 million people continue to live in conditions resembling those of a …

African Voices on Development and Social Justice: Editorials from Pambazuka News 2004 – Firoze Manji & Patrick Burnett (eds)

Alliance magazine 1 June 2005

An anthology of 54 editorials published in electronic newsletter Pambazuka News in 2004. Written by African civil society activists and academics, they provide a rare perspective on development and social justice in Africa. African Voices …

CIVICUS – Forum launched to provide broader input to Commission for Africa proposals

Alliance magazine 1 June 2005

The Nelson Mandela Foundation, in partnership with CIVICUS, has launched a process of dialogues and seminars in various parts of Africa to take an independent look at the challenges facing Africa. These dialogues, which will …

Interview – Betty Murungi

Alliance magazine 1 June 2005

Urgent Action Fund-Africa was established in Kenya in August 2001. The basic aim: to support the work of women in Africa through rapid response grantmaking and unique initiatives that support women’s leadership in peace-building and …

Varied but vulnerable: the non-profit sector in West Africa

Kofi Awity 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

The non-profit sector in West Africa is a varied one including groups as diverse as religiously motivated welfare societies, neighbourhood development associations, trade unions, hometown associations, international NGOs, and sport and recreation groups. This diversity …

Spotlight on business in Ghana

Kofi Awity 1 March 2005

In May 2001, Charities Aid Foundation[1] organized the first ever Round Table Conference on Corporate-NGO Partnerships for Community Development on the theme of Good Corporate Citizenship in a Developing Economy. It seemed a good opportunity …