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AGN – marching on optimistically

Ezra Mbogori 1 December 2012

In the world of philanthropy networks, the African Grantmakers Network (AGN) is a very new one. What is its vision and what is needed to realize it? What will it take to make this new …

African Grantmakers Network Assembly

David Cutler 1 December 2012

What is different about African philanthropy compared to ‘northern’ philanthropy? That was one of the most debated questions at this landmark conference, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 October – 2 November. It was also …

‘It’s our turn to eat’: reflections from the AGN

Andrew Kingman 1 December 2012

The opening plenary of day two of the African Grantmakers Network Assembly, held 29 October to 2 November in Johannesburg, South Africa, focused on youth – or, more specifically, on the relationship between elders and …

African Grantmakers Network Assembly: What’s new? Now? Different?

Colleen du Toit 1 December 2012

At the outset let me say that these blogging notes are my own impressions of key themes emerging from a fantastically rich African Grantmakers Network Assembly experience. I am not aspiring to cover the entire …

African philanthropy on the move: celebrating the AGN Assembly

Barry Smith 1 December 2012

Over the last several months, I have had the pleasure of being part of the organizing team for the Second Biennial African Grantmakers Network (AGN) Assembly – What’s New? What’s Now? What’s Next: Growing African …

Accountability in a changing world: reflections from the AGN Assembly

Ana Paula Borges Pinho 1 December 2012

The prominent role large foundations are increasingly playing, along with various high-profile initiatives encouraging giving, have drawn public interest to philanthropy more than ever. This renewed attention has brought with it new responsibilities, just as …

WINGS: Consultation on accountability kicks off in Africa and Arab region

Alliance magazine 1 December 2012

In Cairo in September, WINGS brought together 29 network members from Africa and the Arab region for a workshop on ‘Improving the Accountability of International Philanthropy’. Co-hosted by the Arab Foundations Forum, the workshop kicked …

Report shows high levels of giving among South Africa’s wealthy

Alliance magazine 1 September 2012

The majority of South African high net worth individuals (HNWIs) are involved in giving. However, the amounts they give are relatively small, their involvement with the organizations they support is limited, and most of their …

African Grantmakers Network – What’s New, What’s Now, What’s Next?

Alliance magazine 1 June 2012

South Africa’s economic heartland Johannesburg, or Jozi as it is fondly known by locals, will be in celebratory mood when it hosts the 2012 African Grantmakers Network (AGN) Assembly at the end of October. The …

Interview – Gathuru Mburu

Alliance magazine 1 March 2012

‘Failure to recognize the need for biodiversity in family farming in Africa is the cause of the food problems most African countries face today.’ In just a few decades, a green revolution radically increased global …