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South Africa – Out with the old, in with the new

Amanda Bloch 1 December 2013

Philanthropy seems to be the buzzword in South Africa at the moment. It has always happened, but over the last decade it seems to have gained in prominence across cultures and income groups. Its definition …

AGN – Resources for building sustainable philanthropy in Africa

Africa Philanthropy Network 1 September 2013

According to the MDGs 2013 progress chart, Sub-Saharan Africa is making insufficient progress on developing global partnerships. In the world of African foundations, at least, this situation is changing, and conversations are starting to explore …

Making a splash about wells not working

Nicolas Borsinger 1 September 2013

An independent study conducted by a French NGO in Sierra Leone at the end of 2010, and funded by Pro Victimis Foundation, surveyed all existing water access points across three districts, documenting in detail the …

Interview – Theo Sowa

Theo Sowa 1 September 2013

‘We all have power, different types of power. When we don’t acknowledge that power, it’s easier for others to step all over us.’ As both grantmaker and fundraiser, the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) has …

Whose agenda? Power and philanthropy in Africa

Halima Mahomed and Bhekinkosi Moyo 1 September 2013

‘The dilemma of the poor is not about resources. It is about power. If the poor have power, they will leverage the resources needed.’ Adam Habib, Vice Chancellor, University of Witwatersrand Adam Habib’s remark, made …

Let a hundred flowers blossom

Theo Sowa 1 June 2013

Internationally, there is a huge range of philanthropic practices. Africa has a deep, generations-old tradition of philanthropy, albeit under-acknowledged. Indeed, we should be speaking about traditions of philanthropies, to allow for the range of intentions, …

African Philanthropy Forum launched

Alliance magazine 1 June 2013

Just six months after the African Grantmakers Network held its extremely successful second assembly in Johannesburg [1], a new network of African philanthropists, the African Philanthropy Forum (APF), was launched in San Francisco in March. …

African Grantmakers Network – A new narrative of African philanthropy

Alliance magazine 1 June 2013

The term philanthropy has, by default, long referred to institutional or large-scale individual giving. Within the African context, however, these narrow connotations tell only a small slice of the story, setting aside a web of …

Interview – Tony O Elumelu

Alliance magazine 1 June 2013

‘For Africa the issue of commercial vs impact investing is not important. What is important is investing in sustainable solutions.’ In 2010, leading African businessman Tony Elumelu set up the foundation that bears his name. …

Interview – Stephen Dawson

Alliance magazine 1 June 2013

‘The term impact investing is so broad, I think there’s a danger of disappointment when people actually find out what it’s about.’ In 2008, Stephen Dawson, having made the journey from venture capitalist to venture …