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The power of partnership: insights from Kenya

Janet Mawiyoo and Susan Njambi Odongo 1 December 2015

A famous Kiswahili saying ‘kidole kimoja hakiuwi chawa’ – a single finger alone cannot kill a louse – mirrors some recent reflections on the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) achievements and challenges. Governments wouldn’t effectively achieve …

Teach development

Marzia Sicia and Cristina Toscano 1 December 2015

The Sustainable Development Goals set a new vision for the future of our societies: unlike their predecessors, the MDGs, they don’t distinguish between developed and developing countries and they are meant to be applied universally. …

Foundation Center: New data portal supports philanthropy and collaboration in Africa

Foundation Center 1 December 2015

For funders and others investing and working in Africa, having access to accurate and up-to-date information about philanthropic activity is critical. To meet this need, Foundation Center, Bloomberg Philanthropies and the King Baudouin Foundation recently …

Network of European Foundations: Early childhood development in social protection programmes

Network of European Foundations 1 December 2015

The Children and Violence Evaluation Challenge Fund was set up in 2011 to inform and improve programming and policies on violence prevention against children in low- and middle-income countries. It aims to generate more rigorous …

Preserving the world’s Muslim heritage

Michael Covitt 11 November 2015

To save and preserve Mali’s ancient manuscripts, written in the 12th through 16th Centuries, and to increase awareness of their incomparable contents, the Malian Manuscript Foundation was founded in 2011.  Mali’s ancient manuscripts hold the …

Poorest people are hit by restrictions on moving money

1 Ed Pomfret 1 September 2015

The lives of vulnerable people in the poorest countries are being made still harder by the effects of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism regulations. In Somalia, Oxfam has experienced disruption in its …

An enabling environment for ‘informal philanthropy’?

Bhekinkosi Moyo 1 September 2015

The question of an enabling environment for informal philanthropy is an apparently simple, but actually complex, one. Simple because its informality seems to make it both unnecessary and next to impossible to regulate. Complex because …

Network of European Foundations: East Africa Children’s Fund launched 

nwcynthiaiol 1 September 2015

The East Africa Children’s Fund (EACF) became operational in June 2015 and will serve as a regional intermediary philanthropic institution supporting community-based initiatives addressing children’s rights, violence prevention and prevention of sexual abuse and sexual …

A watershed moment: African philanthropists chart a sustainable future

Tendai Murisa and Trust Africa 21 August 2015

Parallel to the KCDF session, TrustAfrica organized a panel session on impact investment. Whilst impact investing has become an important feature of philanthropy globally, it is yet to become codified in terms of practice, models …