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Network of European Foundations: New philanthropy partnerships in Tunisia

Network of European Foundations 29 November 2016

In 2013, following the Arab Spring, the Network of European Foundations brought together a group of European foundations to establish Fikra, the Tunisia Joint Fund, with the aim of contributing to the transition of Tunisian …

The new African philanthropy

Elizabeth Coleman, and Halima Mahomed 22 November 2016

African philanthropic institutions are demonstrating how donors can more effectively foster independent action and strengthen movements for change. This different approach may hold the key to durable development on the continent. Although many donors recognize that …

Against all odds – making gains for LGBTI communities across Africa

Hafeeza Rashed 10 October 2016

This article originally appeared on Spotlight, the European Foundation Centre members’ forum, on 30 August 2016. The original article can be found here. Organisations across Africa are working under difficult circumstances to improve human rights …

African attitudes towards homosexuality revealed in unprecedented survey

Alliance magazine 26 September 2016

South Africa’s The Other Foundation and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) have released the results of a national survey of public attitudes to homosexuality in the country. More than 3000 South Africans were interviewed …

A new era for African philanthropy

1 Bhekinkosi Moyo 6 September 2016

There has never been a greater time for African philanthropy and philanthropy in general than today. The momentum and interest around philanthropy have grown – at times surprisingly so, given that not so long ago …

African philanthropy: still work to be done

Tendai Murisa 6 September 2016

There is a growing recognition of the role that philanthropy can play in Africa’s quest for equitable and democratic transformation. Until recently, philanthropy (and, more broadly, aid) has mostly been viewed as a form of …