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WACSI: ISTR and WACSI in partnership to coordinate African research network 

Alliance magazine 7 March 2017

In a new collaboration, West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) in Ghana will house the regional secretariat of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR). WACSI’s aim is to strengthen the institutional and operational …

The chair in African philanthropy: Interview with Bhekinkosi Moyo

Alliance magazine 7 March 2017

As part of this special feature on teaching and research in philanthropy, Charles Keidan talks to Bhekinkosi Moyo of the Southern Africa Trust about the development of the first chair in African philanthropy at Wits …

TrustAfrica’s first decade edited by Halima Mahomed and Elizabeth Coleman – reviewed by John Harvey

John Harvey 7 March 2017

The concept of agency is a driving force behind a great deal of emergent global philanthropy, perhaps no more so than in Africa. In the context of its particularly traumatic history of colonialism, ‘agency’ refers …

WINGSForum heads to Africa in 2020

Charles Keidan 27 February 2017

The global philanthropy infrastructure body WINGS will hold its next major gathering in Africa in 2020. The WINGSForum, which brings together umbrella bodies of foundations and professionals will take place in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, it …

Agribusiness in East Africa: Innovative Social Enterprises

3 Intellecap 20 January 2017

Social entrepreneurs are improving rural employment, empowering communities, and tackling various constraints in the food value chain. The concept of social entrepreneurship, the idea of using business to solve major social and environmental problems, is …

Where the horizontal meets the vertical

Janet Mawiyoo and Caesar Ngule 29 November 2016

From 1997 to 2010, Kenya enjoyed a significant share of foreign aid with many organizations depending entirely on it for their operation. Following the recession and the subsequent reclassification of Kenya as a low- to …

Using the power of philanthropy in the public interest in Kenya

Irũngũ Houghton and Constant Cap 29 November 2016

Kenya, like the rest of Africa, is not overpopulated. It is just over-concentrated and deeply inequitable. At the same time, it is home to innovation, young industry, a growing internal consumer market and a middle …

Managing natural resources: how far can community philanthropy go?

Mary Fifield 29 November 2016

The need for thoughtful, holistic, democratic stewardship of natural resources has never been more critical. Community philanthropy can play a big part in the management of large-scale natural resources, but it faces challenges in doing …