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Amplifying African diaspora voice and expertise in philanthropy advice

1 Yvonne Moore 15 October 2018

In the March 2017 issue, Alliance magazine associate editor Andrew Milner’s article Shading in the blanks on the philanthropy advice map explored the how the US and Europe might be exercising a distorting influence in …

SEWF 2019

Alliance magazine 19 September 2018

Philanthropy in Egypt and Turkey

Marwa El-Daly and Filiz Bikmen 4 September 2018

The practice of community giving has experienced mixed fortunes amid profound national developments In 2004, the Ford Foundation funded a study to understand the relationship between philanthropy and social justice in predominantly Muslim societies, including …

Sustainable giving through waqf: a view from South Africa

Ismail Munshi and Razina Davids 4 September 2018

An ancient form of Muslim philanthropy is being reinvigorated and is adapting to contemporary circumstances Regarded by many as the oldest university in the world, the Al Qarawiyyin mosque, university and hospital complex in Morocco …

Calling time on top-down approach

Eva Rehse 4 September 2018

Browsing through the June 2018 issue, I was struck by the interview with Scottish philanthropist, Sir Ian Wood. Notwithstanding that his philanthropy undoubtedly has had some positive impact, I was surprised by Wood’s somewhat anachronistic …

MacArthur Foundation announce $6.5 million fund to reduce corruption in Nigeria

Alliance magazine 25 August 2018

The MacArthur Foundation announced nearly $6.5 million in funding to advance anti-corruption efforts in Nigeria. The grants are part of the Foundation’s On Nigeria grantmaking, which seeks to reduce corruption by building an atmosphere of accountability, transparency, …

Dr Bhekinkosi Moyo appointed director of the Africa Centre for Philanthropy at Wits Business School

1 Alliance magazine 19 August 2018

Dr Bhekinkosi Moyo has been appointed as Adjunct Professor at Wits Business School, tasked with establishing a new Africa Centre for Philanthropy and Social Investment (ACPSI). ‘In Africa, it is uniquely befitting that philanthropy be …

Creating pathways for philanthropy in the SDGs: Perspectives from Ghana

Isaac Ofosu Debrah 13 August 2018

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent an unrivalled opportunity to deliver high quality development results and philanthropy is already playing a crucial role in making this happen, especially through piloting innovations, scaling such innovation to …

Tanzanian philanthropy sector still dependent on external funding

1 Alliance magazine 9 August 2018

Tanzanian NGOs remain heavily dependent on funding from external sources, says new research commissioned jointly by the Foundation for Civil Society and the Tanzania Philanthropy Forum. Fifty-seven per cent of respondent organisations to the study …

Reflections on the state of civil society in South Africa

Judith Mtsewu 8 August 2018

It was Albert Einstein who said that ‘in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity,’ and it is a sentiment that rings true for the state of the NPO sector in South Africa currently. Civil society …