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Local renewable energy solutions can transform people’s lives and livelihoods in rural Africa

1 Altaf Makhiawala 7 December 2020

Imagine working hard throughout the year to grow and harvest precious crops, only to have to throw nearly half of them away because they have spoiled before you can sell them. That’s the situation for …

Applying the lessons of Ebola to Covid

Dr Charlie Weller 1 December 2020

The devastating Ebola outbreak of 2014 taught us a great deal, but donors still need to maintain their commitments if the human cost of future health crises is to be kept as low as possible …

Want to fulfil philanthropy’s potential? Invest in our ecosystem

Nadya Hernandez and Nikita Damle 1 December 2020

For too long philanthropy has failed to recognise the importance of its own support organisations to the development of the field. WINGS and Sattva Consulting have designed a set of tools to address the shortfall …

WINGS Forum 2020: Focus not only on sharing generosity, but sharing power

Elika Roohi 26 November 2020

The 2020 annual WINGS forum was meant to happen in Nairobi, a celebration of the organisation’s 20th anniversary with their first conference in Africa. Of course, this year made other plans – so this week …

Covid-19 accelerates positive change in the way philanthropy operates

Donzelina Barroso 23 November 2020

Funding global health issues through networked and systems approaches offers greater opportunity for impact during the crisis and beyond. The ongoing global Covid-19 crisis has put important development advancements of recent decades at risk, and …

Countering the biodiversity crisis with new funding models

Fred Nelson, Katy Scholfield, Gemma Goodman and Nick Lapham 13 November 2020

Biodiversity loss and associated ecosystem collapse is an urgent global challenge – one of the top five risks to humanity according to the World Economic Forum. During the past 50 years, 60 per cent of …

AVPA launches first ever report on Africa’s social investments landscape

Alliance magazine 12 November 2020

The African Venture Philanthropy Alliance, a Pan-African network of social investors that was started in 2018, launched yesterday a report on the state of social investment financing in Africa. The report is the first of …

South African funders gather to discuss future of philanthropy

Alliance magazine 3 November 2020

The Independent Philanthropy Association of South Africa’s virtual symposium kicked off today, bringing together some 100 South African funders to discuss and debate the future of funding in an unprecedented and disruptive climate. The virtual …

Kenya’s Neema Project speaks with their sponsor to understand the ‘whys’ behind funding choices

1 Greg Lusby and Emily Nelson 22 October 2020

Every non-profit has a vested interest in understanding the ‘why’ of philanthropic efforts. As members of the non-profit Neema Project, we tapped into this psychology by interviewing our title sponsor after this year’s major giving …