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The philanthropic disparities in clean energy funding

Rose Ng’ang’a 26 March 2024

Western philanthropies, including foundations, funds, and others, spend billions of dollars annually to help countries adapt to climate change by investing in clean energy. However, compared to the funds dedicated to projects in poor countries …

Nonprofits need more funding flexibility to fight global malnutrition

Moumouni Kinda and Kara Weiss 20 March 2024

The current system for funding initiatives to address global malnutrition is deeply flawed. Characterized by time constraints, inflexibility, and lack of imagination, current funding models hamper the vital efforts of nonprofit organizations striving to improve …

International Women’s Day: ‘If you care about social impact, you should not be ignoring African women’

Claudia Cahalane 8 March 2024

At the age of 29, Adesuwa Okunbo Rhodes founded one of the few women-owned investment companies in Africa. With women in Africa recieving only a tiny amount of investment money, yet outperforming men on stock exchanges, …

Philanthropy’s role building youth climate resilience in Somalia  

Abdinajib Hassan 8 March 2024

The immediate consequences of climate change have had a disproportionate impact on the youth of Somalia. Changes in weather patterns have resulted in heavy rains and flooding, thereby endangering the livelihoods and future of Somali …

Localising philanthropy – what does it entail?

Arun Kumar and Ritesh Datta 26 February 2024

Localisation, shifting power and decolonisation are among the most talked about phrases in social development spaces today. If pursued earnestly, they have the potential to positively alter the impact of social development efforts globally. It …

African Venture Philanthropy Alliance launches programme for climate innovators

Shafi Musaddique 21 February 2024

The African Venture Philanthropy Alliance (AVPA) has launched a new funding programme that hopes to engage funders with ‘climate adaptation innovators’ in a bid to address the critical $100 billion shortfall in funding and enhance …

Climate Philanthropy in Action: Youth Voices Echoing Through COP28

Melissa Ouya and Alexia Kioko 16 February 2024

Climate philanthropy goes beyond charity, it is an investment in the planet we inherit and the legacy we leave behind. African youth are at the forefront in developing cutting-edge tactics for climate adaptation. They contribute …

The realities of social movement legitimacy and resourcing

Rachael Mwikali Mueni 13 February 2024

Social movement especially with a feminist approach is the new sexy term in the funding and Civil Society Organisations (CSO) space. While this is a win for social justice activists, it coincides with the co-option …

Decolonial justice at the border: #ShiftingThePower in Bogotá

Massah Esther Nyally Bockarie 27 January 2024

I intended to share the incredible conversation I had at the conference. On our arrival that morning, I vividly remember being on the bus with Soheir, a Palestinian and Ruth, a Kenyan who are both …

Chernor Bah on what ‘shifting the power’ means in Sierra Leone

Charlotte Kilpatrick 25 January 2024

Although he was unable to attend the Shift the Power conference in Bogota in December, Sierra Leonian Minister, Chernor Bah, made the time to speak with Alliance to discuss how to make the movement more …