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Tackling poverty and climate change: IKEA and Acumen’s $25m energy investment initative

Biswarup Banerjee and Sarah Bieber 11 November 2022

Today, two out of three people living in extreme poverty live in rural areas, often without access to electricity. The combined impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and volatile energy prices caused by the …

What we can learn from crisis response around the world

Alliance magazine 8 November 2022

How is global philanthropy working to respond and build resilience to crises in their regions? The war in Ukraine, economic instability and a sudden increase in the cost of living, the effects of the Covid-19 …

Global human rights funding is up, but for certain regions and groups it has decreased

Elika Roohi 1 November 2022

Global funding for human rights is increasing, but grants are dispersed unevenly across the world, leaving major gaps in the field. A new report, out today, from Human Rights Funders Network and Candid found that …

Research: Financing extraction of natural gas in Africa has serious consequences

Alliance magazine 27 October 2022

A new report from the African Climate Foundations warns of the consequences of increasing Africa’s natural gas production. Africa holds significant natural gas resources, and substantial new discoveries have been made in the past decade. …

Alliance event: Leadership in philanthropy

Amy McGoldrick 25 October 2022

Amidst intersecting and worldwide crises, the need for effective leadership in philanthropy has never been more important. What kind of leadership do we want? And how can we attract those leaders? Alliance hosted a global …

Africa Gender Initiative launches, aims to raise $50m to close continent’s gender gap

1 Alliance magazine 25 October 2022

The African Philanthropy Forum has launched a platform for African philanthropists to come together, mobilise funding, and work collaboratively to close the gender gap. The Africa Gender Initiative will support the work of the Co-Impact …

Effective crisis response takes more than money

Ndana Bofu-Tawamba 20 October 2022

Globally, we are facing multiple and compounding crises. Whether it is the devastating impacts of climate change, a seemingly never-ending pandemic, or armed conflicts from Ethiopia to Ukraine, it can feel like the crises never …

Ford Foundation gives $80m for nonprofits facing global authoritarianism

Alliance magazine 17 October 2022

The Ford Foundation has announced an $80 million programme aimed at building the resilience of civil society organizations in the Global South. The money will go to virtual hubs in 12 countries over the next five years, …

Meet the team: Alliance Regional Representative Ese Emerhi

Alliance magazine 16 October 2022

Ese Emerhi, the Global Network Weaver at Global Fund for Community Foundations, joined the Alliance magazine team as Regional Representative for Sub-Saharan Africa earlier this year. Based in Nigeria, Emerhi brings a wealth of localised …

What should philanthropy be doing about monarchical power?

Alliance magazine 13 October 2022

When Alliance magazine published its issue on decolonising philanthropy in early September 2022 – we had no idea it would arrive just days before the passing of Queen Elizabeth II bringing debates about monarchies and …