Search Results for 'climate'

News Alliance magazine 9 February 2021

Research finds law firms champion pro bono amidst global health crisis

Nearly 4 million hours of legal pro bono were completed globally last year, with lawyers dedicating an average of 26.3 hours of their free expertise each year, research from TrustLaw, the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s global …

Analysis Alliance magazine 9 February 2021

What is the role of philanthropy in lobbying and policy-making?

As the global philanthropy sector has grown in complexity, so too has the intersection of philanthropy and law. Ahead of Alliance magazine’s March issue on law and philanthropy, we wanted to understand how the philanthropic …

Conference reports 2 Carola Carazzone 5 February 2021

The social life of forests: Takeaways from the co-creation of the PEXcommunity

I find the forest metaphor for the PEXcommunity powerful. Growing up in the Alps, I always loved forests. As a child, an Alpine forest, ever changing through the four seasons, is a mythical realm to …

News Alliance magazine 5 February 2021

New appointments from Clean Air Fund signal ambitions for grantmaking, partnerships

The Clean Air Fund, a philanthropic organisation working globally to empower funders, researchers, policymakers and campaigners to deliver clean air for all, has expanded its team with the arrival of Sean Maguire as Director of …

Conference Report Alliance magazine 2 February 2021

PEXforum 2021: From crisis to renewal

PEXforum 2021 provided a unique space for over 160 participants to explore the key values that unite European philanthropy and how to jointly advance the philanthropy ecosystem for a sustainable and just Europe. PEXforum 2021: …

Conference reports Geoff Mulgan 2 February 2021

Fixing the plumbing: from shared data to shared imagination

This is a fascinating time for philanthropy, with so many very intense short-term pressures. But there is also a hunger to address long term challenges, which are not so hard to see: dealing with social …

Conference reports Nick Perks 2 February 2021

PEXforum 2021 – Stop. Look. Imagine. Go.

After the PEXforum 2021, Nick Perks extends an invitation to the philanthropy ecosystem to imagine, and create, a positive future. Storytelling and imagination were two themes of the virtual PEX philanthropy exchange, held 27-28 January …

Conference reports 1 Zibran Choudhury 2 February 2021

PEXforum 2021: Embracing the complexity of Europe

Over 160 participants logged in to unpack the values that unite European philanthropy, the future of philanthropy and explore collective action as we started a new decade in the midst of a global pandemic, a …

Conference reports James Magowan 1 February 2021

PEXforum 2021: All is present, all is here

PEXforum 2021 was like a pleasureable meander through an enchanting woodland. One where philanthropy support organisations are represented by the trees in the ecosystem – characterised by diversity in species but also their interdependence, and …

Opinion Denis Mizne 26 January 2021

Vaccination and collaboration: what we can achieve in a divided world

The approval of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine in Brazil, the UK, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Argentina, Mexico, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, with further countries hopefully set to follow shortly, comes as a great …