Search Results for 'climate'

Opinion 1 Clare Gibson Nangle and Ricardo González Bernal 4 October 2021

Philanthropy can help Biden succeed in Central America

U.S. President Joe Biden’s comprehensive strategy to address the root causes driving migration from Central America puts foreign assistance at the centre of a $4 billion plan to tackle violence, corruption, climate change, and the …

Conference reports 1 Kumi Naidoo 28 September 2021

Embrace intersectionality or risk more ‘foolanthropy’

It has been a pleasure to be a part of the Innovations in International Philanthropy Symposium. I, and many others, hope that events like these will influence those that we need to, in the way …

Conference reports 1 Leslie Pine 28 September 2021

Philanthropy and the power to transform

In more than three decades of working in the field of philanthropy at The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI), I have participated in countless conferences and conversations about the role of philanthropy in society. Despite the saying …

Conference reports 1 Maggi Alexander and Ina Breuer 28 September 2021

Crises create opportunity: taking action on the world’s biggest challenges

We are living in an unprecedented time, facing a global health pandemic, climate change, natural and humanitarian disasters, structural inequalities, and much more, requiring us to rethink philanthropy and to act with courage. The novelist …

Conference reports 1 Solomé Lemma 28 September 2021

Time for a change up

There are terms that get tossed around a lot in our sector these days, so much so that it can be hard to discern exactly what they mean. Systems change is one such concept. When …

Conference reports 1 Karen Keating Ansara 24 September 2021

We need ears to the ground to achieve global change

 ‘It’s important for us all to become aware of how we listen, what we listen to and how this affects what we do.’ – Theo Sowa, Co-Chair, The Equality Fund Philanthropy is inherently shaped – …

Conference Report Elika Roohi 21 September 2021

Alliance event: 25 years in philanthropy

To celebrate the special milestone of 25 years and 100 issues of Alliance magazine being at the heart of global philanthropy, Alliance hosted an event at the Aga Khan Centre in London last week with …

Opinion Conniel Malek 21 September 2021

The ocean is our global heirloom: Philanthropy needs to treat (and fund) it that way

The ocean is our global commons, our birthright, our collective heritage, and our heirloom. This concept is enshrined under international law – the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). However, laws and …

News Alliance magazine 16 September 2021

Alliance event today! What can the future of philanthropy learn from its past?

Join Alliance magazine today at 2 p.m. BST to listen in on a conversation exploring the role of philanthropy in creating a more just and equitable future. As Alliance celebrates its 25th anniversary and marks …

Opinion Sémia Bey and Henry Peter 13 September 2021

Corporations as new philanthropists

Philanthropy is evolving, with corporations playing a growing role among the more traditional players in the sector. Can it be said that they are new philanthropists? Why and what does that mean? As new actors …