Search Results for 'climate'

Conference reports Holly Donagh 22 October 2021

The coffee house as a guide for life

As a lifelong coffee addict when I knew the EFC conference would be in Vienna I looked forward to sampling Viennese coffee, preferably in a suitably evocative setting, but I had not considered how the …

Opinion Rowan Hooper 22 October 2021

How to save the world for just a trillion dollars

Remember the film Brewster’s Millions? Richard Pryor’s character is given a vast sum of money and told to spend it. I sometimes wondered what I would do in that position.  My daydream turned into a …

Opinion Michael Moody and Sharna Goldseker 21 October 2021

Beyond giving: Generation Impact and the crises of 2020

As the urgent needs of the pandemic spread like wildfire last year, Caitlin Heising knew that she and her family had to do something big. As the daughter of Giving Pledge signers and vice-chair of …

Conference reports Alliance magazine 19 October 2021

EFC Conference 2021: Day two in Tweets!

Highlights from day two of the European Foundation Centre Annual Conference: ‘From crisis to opportunity – How can philanthropy accelerate sustainable change?’ Philanthropy track .@CassieRobinson summarises at #PhilanthropyWorks by raising the potential for a Foresight …

Conference reports Alliance magazine 18 October 2021

EFC Conference 2021: Day one in Tweets!

Highlights from day one of the European Foundation Centre Annual Conference: ‘From crisis to opportunity – How can philanthropy accelerate sustainable change?’ Opening plenary Only 1,5% of philanthropy goes to rethinking the current economic model …

Conference reports Lucy Bernholz 18 October 2021

Civil society in the digital age: 2021 EFC Conference Preview

The 2021 European Foundation Centre annual conference will look at ‘ways for philanthropy to help catalyse a more holistic response to the vast challenges that still lie ahead’. The event will take shape via four …

News Alliance magazine 16 October 2021

EFC launch podcast series ahead of 2021 Conference in Vienna

To raise the curtain on the 2021 European Foundation Centre (EFC) Conference, taking place from 18-20 October in Vienna, the EFC has released a new podcast series focusing on one of the four conference tracks: Climate, …

News 1 Alliance magazine 14 October 2021

Over 20 foundations join to commit $223 million to reducing methane emissions

More than 20 leading philanthropic organisations have partnered to commit $223 million to drastically reducing methane emissions around the world. The effort – which includes the Hewlett Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, CIFF, and the IKEA Foundation, …

Interview Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan 12 October 2021

New currents: EFC Chief Executive Delphine Moralis on the sea-change in European philanthropy

Last summer, the European Foundation Centre (EFC) announced a change in leadership. Long-time CEO Gerry Salole would be stepping down after 15 years and succeeding him would be Delphine Moralis – then the Secretary General …

Analysis 3 Michael Jarvis and Savior Mwambwa 5 October 2021

Philanthropy’s tax blind spot

This is the moment to shake up the world of tax. Will funders rally to the moment? Philanthropy has paid little attention to influencing tax systems. That is a missed opportunity given the importance of …