Search Results for 'climate'

Conference reports Jane Wei Skillern 21 February 2024

From academic to aspiring network leader

I am a rather unusual academic. Rather than pursue tenure, I have always prioritised research that could help leaders achieve greater impact. Yet, at many points throughout my career, I have often doubted whether I …

Conference reports Janna Heegardt 21 February 2024

Exploring the future of philanthropy as a community

On the last afternoon of the PEX forum, we were asked to gather the gifts that we contribute to the community. In my group, we came up with ‘curiosity’, ‘creating brave spaces’ and ‘being able …

Interview Zibran Choudhury 21 February 2024

Community Foundations of Canada on innovation and experimentation

At PEX Forum 2024, community members hosted intimate group conversations to uncover the uncertainties and dilemmas that sit with them and their communities, encouraging divergence and exploration. One of these discussions was led by Michelle …

Analysis Shafi Musaddique 20 February 2024

Western sanctions pushes Russian philanthropy closer into Kremlin arms

Two years on since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin’s grip has tightened across society. The recent death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, held in an Arctic prison camp, is a …

Opinion Ben Robinson and Imogen Martineau 19 February 2024

How small grants can empower local communities to tackle air pollution

Everyone deserves to have access to clean air. And yet, 99 percent of the world’s population still breathe air that is harmful and dirty. In the UK alone, it causes approximately 40,000 early deaths each …

Opinion Malakeh El Haj 9 February 2024

Empowering the Next Generation: Green Education is Key

‘If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.’ This ancient Chinese proverb remains relevant to humankind’s future, even as we struggle against an existential environmental …

Conference reports Fan Li 8 February 2024

Time to ‘Talk the Walk’ on DEI in Asia

The Asia Philanthropy Congress 2023, held in Tokyo and Kyoto this month, marked its second year as a platform dedicated to fostering cross-sectoral collaboration to address social issues in the region. Organized by the Nippon …

Conference reports Kit Muirhead 2 February 2024

Building LGBTQI+ solidarity in the age of pinkwashing

Towards the end of last year I attended the UK LGBTQI Global Giving Summit, hosted by the Baring Foundation and Giveout. As a young, queer person, I was excited to see a conference devoted to …

Conference Report Alliance magazine 1 February 2024

The #ShiftThePower Global Summit

The #ShiftThePower Global Summit brought together changemakers and trailblazers from around the world and from across different parts of the international development, philanthropy and civil society systems. A key objective was to create ‘good collisions’ …

News Shafi Musaddique 31 January 2024

Gates Foundation CEO: Just 0.5% of world billionaires’ wealth prevents 7 million deaths 

Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman has urged the world’s richest to give up more of their wealth to fight poverty, inequality and disease. Just an extra 0.5 per cent of billionaire giving could prevent 7 …