Search Results for 'climate'

News Alliance magazine 25 April 2024

AVPN 2024: UAE commits $125 million for global health, poverty alleviation, and species conservation

A raft of funding commitments from government and philanthropic bodies has accompanied the start of a major gathering of philanthropy and impact investors in Abu Dhabi. The announcements at AVPN Global – a network that …

Editorial Charles Keidan 24 April 2024 For Subscribers

Elon Musk: An enemy of philanthropy

The billionaire’s philanthropy is corrosive to everything philanthropy should stand for For one of the world’s richest and most famous men, who exerts a magnetic forcefield of attention, it is remarkable that comparatively little has …

News Shafi Musaddique 24 April 2024

Colombian mayor to lead clean air philanthropy partnership 

Jaime Pumarejo, a former Colombian mayor, is taking the helm at Breathe Cities as executive director. The clean air initiative is a partnership between Bloomberg Philanthropies, Clean Air Fund, and C40 Cities, which supports cities …

Opinion Surabi Menon and Saliem Fakir 22 April 2024

How philanthropy can aid the shift from fossil fuels

COP28 paved the way for a consensus-built commitment to transition away from fossil fuels. However, the implementation and pathways for the transition will be complex and require responsible and equitable managem­ent. Philanthropy can help facilitate …

Analysis Lourdes Inga and Winnie Kodi 16 April 2024

Empowering Indigenous communities: The rise of Indigenous-Led Funds

Over the last few years, we have seen attention going to initiatives that aim to redistribute funding in a way that acknowledges that those who are in closer proximity to the communities they serve have …

News Shafi Musaddique 16 April 2024

UBS Foundation launches first Greater China partnership with regional social enterprise 

UBS Optimus Foundation Hong Kong has launched a joint partnership with non-profit social enterprise Project Melo.  As its seed funder, the partnership involves a competition aimed at tackling the some of the most pressing environmental issues facing …

News Andrew Mambondiyani 4 April 2024

Drought-stricken Zimbabweans look to philanthropy for food aid

Large swathes of croplands lie abandoned in Zimbabwe’s Mutare district as El Niño induced drought ravages the country. Last year, the Meteorological Services Department confirmed that the El Niño episode was expected to be most …

Conference reports Ilaria d’Auria 28 March 2024

Innovation is like a truffle

“Innovation is like a truffle”. This is one of the many insights that I have been chewing on since I returned from Philea’s Research Forum conference in Milan, hosted by Fondazione Cariplo. Truffles are known to …

Conference reports Shafi Musaddique 26 March 2024

Cariplo Foundation president on bridging divide between local and global inequalities

Giovanni Azzone cuts a sharp figure. The spectacled and suited president of the Cariplo Foundation, one of Italy’s biggest foundations, is softly spoken – but has big ambitions. With an endowment of 9 billion euros, …

Opinion Rose Ng’ang’a 26 March 2024

The philanthropic disparities in clean energy funding

Western philanthropies, including foundations, funds, and others, spend billions of dollars annually to help countries adapt to climate change by investing in clean energy. However, compared to the funds dedicated to projects in poor countries …