Search Results for 'climate'

News Alliance magazine 1 February 2009 For Subscribers

Climate Change and Poverty (Issue Brief, September 2008)

From lost crops to outbreaks of disease and destruction of life and property in shoreline communities, poor people are especially vulnerable to the effects of environmental disasters caused by climate change. This Synergos paper summarizes …

News Alliance magazine 1 January 2009 For Subscribers

UK Trust launches projects on civil society and climate change

The Carnegie UK Trust has launched two projects that are designed to engage civil society groups in the challenges of climate change. One project will produce a guide to enable organizations that do not have …

News Alliance magazine 1 November 2008 For Subscribers

Don’t let downturn stall climate change aid to poor nations, urges China

China wants rich countries to commit 1 per cent of their economic worth to help poor nations fight global warming and will press for a new international mechanism to spread ‘green’ technology worldwide. Unveiling the …

News Alliance magazine 1 October 2008 For Subscribers

Baring Foundation urges UK voluntary sector to consider impact of climate change

The power of the UK’s voluntary sector is not being fully used in the fight against climate change, according to the Baring Foundation. The Foundation is calling on charities that do not deal with environmental …

News Alliance magazine 2 June 2008

European Climate Foundation launched

The European Climate Foundation (ECF), the first philanthropic organization solely dedicated to reducing CO2 in Europe, was officially established at the start of April. The ECF’s aim is to develop and implement climate and energy …

News Alliance magazine 1 April 2008

Grantmakers without borders – June conference to focus on climate change and natural resource depletion

Grantmakers Without Borders is currently in the throes of organizing its eighth annual conference, ‘Just Giving: Global Social Change Philanthropy’. The event will gather some 200 grantmakers and global southern activists for dialogue, debate and …

Opinion William S White 1 December 2007

Climate change – the missing piece

Congratulations are in order for highlighting the timely topic of climate change in the September 2007 issue of Alliance. However, when climate change and the actions needed to address it are discussed, we sometimes fail …

News Alliance magazine 1 December 2007 For Subscribers

Grantmakers Without Borders – Next conference to focus on climate change

Since 2001, Grantmakers Without Borders (Gw/oB) has convened a major annual gathering focused on global social change philanthropy. These events have brought together a diverse assembly of up to 250 grantmakers, individual donors, and activists …

Special feature Kathryn Murdoch 1 September 2007

Solutions for climate change

Climate change is the most urgent global issue facing humankind. The enormity of the problem and the seeming lack of consensus can be confusing for potential philanthropists. However, we do have the technological solutions and …

Special feature Daniel L Doctoroff 1 September 2007

An unprecedented climate of change

At a time when Washington has avoided taking the lead on addressing critical environmental challenges, states and local governments have stepped up to fill the void. PlaNYC, New York City’s ambitious effort to transform our …