Search Results for 'climate'

News Alliance magazine 20 February 2014

Stewarding wealth for the common good: how an Asian family office incorporated climate change mitigation into its portfolio

‘From an Asian perspective, climate change is not a distant threat – it is happening today. I want to make sure that the way my capital is invested is part of the solution and not …

Opinion Katy Yung and Ivo Knoepfel 17 February 2014

How an Asian family office incorporated climate change mitigation into its portfolio

Stewarding wealth for the common good: how an Asian family office incorporated climate change mitigation into its portfolio ‘From an Asian perspective, climate change is not a distant threat – it is happening today. I …

Special feature Winnie Asiti and Peter Kostishack 1 December 2013

A new approach to funding youth climate action

With a 20-year history of grassroots grantmaking, Global Greengrants Fund has learned that young people have a big-picture understanding of issues facing their communities but frequently lack access to funding and the capacity and confidence …

Letter Michael Northrop 1 September 2013

A breakthrough on climate?

There’s more carbon in the ground than we can safely burn if we hope to keep global warming below 2 degrees C. Bill McKibben at has done the math and taken it on the …

Opinion Rucha Chitnis 21 June 2013

How women in rural India are adapting to a changing climate

At a meeting with women farmers in the Sundarbans in West Bengal, India, they share how climate change is increasing women’s burden and responsibilities on farms and at home as men leave in search of …

Opinion Julian Poulter 1 June 2013

Worried about climate change? Fix the financial system first

The world’s large foundations have become a major source of capital for programmes addressing the world’s biggest social and environmental problems, including climate change. But the work of the philanthropic community to help address climate …

Opinion Terry Odendahl and Global Greengrants Fund 13 December 2012

Supporting women, youth and indigenous people to turn global warming around: announcing the Next Generation Climate Board

Trucks shovelling sand from main streets; children wading through the sludge that used to be their living rooms – as I took in the reports from friends and news media on Hurricane Sandy, I realized …

News Alliance magazine 1 December 2012

Can philanthropy bridge the global climate leadership gap?

International climate action is falling far short of what is needed due to the lack of coordinated leadership beyond top-down UN-led efforts. Joining together bottom-up, green growth initiatives is a promising way forward, but it …

Conference reports Caroline Hartnell 13 June 2012

Climate change: A common concern – EFC session gives wake-up call to foundations

Global emissions have to peak by 2020 if we are to avoid the two-degree temperature rise above which the human race faces increasingly dire prospects. Farhana Yamin from CIFF (Children’s Investment Fund Foundation) started her …

Opinion 1 Matt van Poortvliet 1 May 2012

Funding families in a cold climate

As the dust settled on last summer’s riots in the UK, attention shifted from the young people who had been rioting to the ‘troubled families’ they grew up in. The prime minister pledged that his …