Search Results for 'SDGs'

Letter Anna Wansbrough-Jones 7 March 2017

Impact of new approaches needs to be demonstrated

The December issue of Alliance focused on the topic of community philanthropy and the concept of ‘durable development’ – shifting power closer to the ground and giving agency to local people and their organizations. Here, …

Letter Aimi Zhou and Ine Van Severen 7 March 2017

Strengthening the bonds of civil society

The December issue of Alliance focused on the topic of community philanthropy and the concept of ‘durable development’ – shifting power closer to the ground and giving agency to local people and their organizations. Here, …

Letter Aisha Mansour 7 March 2017

USAID must reform to truly support a community philanthropy model

The December issue of Alliance focused on the topic of community philanthropy and the concept of ‘durable development’ – shifting power closer to the ground and giving agency to local people and their organizations. Aisha …

News Alliance magazine 25 January 2017

SDG Philanthropy Platform launches in India

The SDG Philanthropy Platform has launched in India, at a meeting of key supporters within Indian philanthropy.   The SDG Philanthropy Platform allows and encourages communication, working partnerships, and the sharing of resources  between philanthropic …

Opinion 2 Andrew Milner 24 January 2017

The state of European philanthropy

“Philanthropy in Europe is rooted in a rich past and is moving towards a promising future,” claimed Norine MacDonald and Luc Tayart de Borms[i], writing in 2008. Can the same claim be made today? A …

Opinion Heather Grady 8 December 2016

A new space is needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

As the world adjusts to recent voting surprises in the UK and the US, those of us who have been promoting a universal framework, that includes fundamental goals like tackling inequality, can take some comfort …

Conference reports 1 Carola Carazzone 6 December 2016

Reflections on community philanthropy’s global gathering

I am at Jo’burg airport on my way back to Italy. I leave South Africa after the Global Summit on Community Philanthropy with a warm, energizing feeling of belonging. There is a global community of …

News Alliance magazine 29 November 2016

US signs up to SDG Platform

The US has become the first high-income country to pilot the SDG Philanthropy Platform, a forum whose aim is to help coordinate the contribution philanthropy can make to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The …

News Foundation Center 29 November 2016

Foundation Center: SDG wizard

The Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators has developed a set of measureable indicators to help facilitate a robust follow-up, tracking and review mechanism for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As …

News CIVICUS 29 November 2016

CIVICUS: Action for Sustainable Development – the role of civil society

The concept of inclusion is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals: not only did the UN embark on its biggest public consultation process ever to design the SDGs (over 500,000 people participated), but …