Search Results for 'SDG'

Interview Andrew Milner 22 October 2019

Science and philanthropy join forces to protect the Global Commons

Interview: Professor Johan Rockström, Global Commons Alliance If we are to arrest climate change, safeguarding the global commons – the areas and ecosystems of our planet on which we all depend – is an absolute …

News Alliance magazine 9 October 2019

UNICEF and Islamic Development Bank launch global Muslim philanthropy fund

The Global Muslim Philanthropy Fund for Children (GMPFC), is the first organisation focused on Muslim giving, to be launched by a United Nations organisation (UNICEF) alongside a multi-lateral development bank. The goal of GMPFC is …

Conference Report Alliance magazine 24 September 2019

C Summit 2019

Alliance magazine is proud to have been a media partner at the first ever C Summit in Munich, Germany. Over 150 corporate foundations and social investors from 17 countries gathered at the 1st European Corporate Philanthropy and …

Opinion Edward Hoare 22 September 2019

Unlocking the power of visual thinking

With the monumental volume of decisions being taken around the globe every day involving a myriad of simultaneous interests and factors, the importance of making time for thinking cannot be underestimated. This can be in private, …

Conference reports Rachel McGrath 11 September 2019

Think global, act local

 ‘Think global, act local’ could be an adopted mantra of the International Community Foundation movement as we connect place-based giving across the world to make a positive social impact. On this theme, CEO Martha Wilkinson …

Analysis Andrew Milner 3 September 2019

The quest for collaboration in Asia

The potential advantages of far-reaching collaboration underpinned AVPN’s conference in Singapore. But it is a virtue more often preached than practised. Underlying all the themes at the recent AVPN conference in Singapore was the idea …

Interview Andrew Milner 27 August 2019

Interview: Safeena Husain, founder of Educate Girls

Safeena Husain knows exactly what she’s talking about. Herself the product of a troubled childhood and a curtailed education, she founded Educate Girls to tackle the problem of out-of-school children in India, one of three …

Opinion Suzanty Sitorus 14 August 2019

Guiding family foundations for effective philanthropy

Along with their increasing wealth, many families who own business empires in Indonesia set up a foundation to carry out their philanthropic mission. In recent years, the second and third generations of some of the …

Analysis 1 Pedro Portela 5 August 2019

Map 13: A guide to chart the future course of philanthropy

In his 2012 book, ‘A History of the World in Twelve Maps’, Jerry Brotton takes the reader through a tour of twelve maps that were created in twelve distinct moments of human history. The last …

Opinion Priscilla Boiardi, Karoline Heitmann, Lonneke Roza and Steven Serneels 21 July 2019

Corporate foundations on a journey from alienated to strategic impact partner

We know the statistics: if we want to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we still have a funding gap of a $ 2.5 trillion yearly. We urgently need to find resources to invest in …