Search Results for 'climate'

Special feature Alliance magazine 7 June 2016

Foundation spending on climate change

For US and UK foundations, climate philanthropy is around 2% of overall foundation spending. Climate change is arguably the most serious, systemic and far-reaching issue we face as the human race. How much are foundations …

Special feature Charles Keidan 7 June 2016

A new focus for climate philanthropy: interview with Florence Tercier and Anne Henshaw

Within the field of climate change, the issue of climate justice has been neglected. The Oak Foundation, however, believes that issues of climate justice are central to the whole climate change question and is poised …

Special feature Nnimmo Bassey and Terry Odendahl 7 June 2016

Climate justice: the spectre at the Paris feast

Michael Donoghue writes in this issue that Pacific Islanders are responsible for only a tiny fraction of GHG emissions, yet they are suffering the worst effects of global warming. This unjust situation should be at …

Special feature 1 Chloe Maxmin 7 June 2016

Supporting today’s young climate leaders

For the past four years, one word has dominated my world: divestment. In 2012, I co-founded Divest Harvard, calling on Harvard University to divest its $36.4 billion endowment from fossil fuels. Divest Harvard grew from …

Special feature Rebecca Adamson 7 June 2016

Climate justice must include indigenous peoples

Despite the fact that 40 per cent of the 116 environmental activists murdered in 2014 were indigenous and a significant portion  of the oil, gas and mining production (39 per cent now and 46 per cent …

Special feature Maxine Burkett 7 June 2016

Climate-induced migration and the role of philanthropy

We are now in a ʻno-analogue’ state according to University of Hawaioceanography professor, Dr Richard Zeebe. In other words, in the documented history of our planet, we have not seen the amount of carbon released …

Special feature Michael Donoghue 7 June 2016

Pacific Islands on the frontline of climate change

The Pacific islands are large ocean states that cover over 10 per cent of the global ocean, and include over 33,000 different islands. The people who live on them contribute less than 0.03 per cent …

Editorial Charles Keidan 6 June 2016

Climate philanthropy after Paris

Climate change is arguably the biggest issue facing the planet. It is therefore remarkable and surprising that only a small proportion of philanthropic resources address the issue head on – around 2 per cent. Could …

News Alliance magazine 29 April 2016

135 grant-makers receive Nelson Mandela tribute for climate courage

Ellen Dorsey, Executive Director of the Wallace Global Fund, yesterday collected the Nelson Mandela-Graca Machel Innovation Award for Brave Philanthropy on behalf of the 135 philanthropy organisations, trusts and foundations that have pledged to divest …

Conference reports 1 Charles Keidan 12 April 2016

2016 US Council on Foundations: American philanthropy prepares for climate change in Congress

2016 is a period of flux in US politics with changes afoot in the Presidency, Supreme Court and Senate as well as tax reform proposals due at the end of the year. In this context, …