Search Results for 'SDG'

Opinion 2 Carola Carazzone 25 November 2020

Reflecting on 25 years of progress for gender equality – and how far there is to go

Twenty-five years ago, the World Conference on Women in Beijing adopted a Platform for Action that transformed national and international policies almost all over the world, recognizing that women’s rights are human rights. It impacted …

Analysis Ellen Dorsey and Dan Chu 17 November 2020

Our investments should not drive the problems we ask grantees to solve

In this moment of great social, economic, and ecological upheaval, it is abundantly clear that we need fundamental and systemic changes to our economy. Fifty years of Milton Friedman’s doctrine of shareholder primacy and maximisation …

News Alliance magazine 12 November 2020

AVPA launches first ever report on Africa’s social investments landscape

The African Venture Philanthropy Alliance, a Pan-African network of social investors that was started in 2018, launched yesterday a report on the state of social investment financing in Africa. The report is the first of …

Opinion Denderah Rickmers and Amanda Kee 9 November 2020

How belief systems propel philanthropic innovations in Asia

Around the world, humanity is drawing on beliefs – religious, social, or cultural values – to guide us through what has been called ‘the new normal.’ This is particularly relevant in Asia, where at least 60 …

Opinion Giulia Christianson and Ariel Pinchot 7 November 2020

Where to From Here? Perspectives from inside an environmental nonprofit/asset owner

We will long remember 2020 as a year of immense tragedy. In the U.S. alone, the Covid-19 pandemic has taken the lives of over 230,000 people and left millions unemployed and struggling to get by. …

Conference Report Andrew Milner 29 September 2020

#EVPA2020: The magnifying glass

COVID-19 has acted as a magnifying glass, said EVPA board chair in his keynote speech opening the Association’s 16th annual conference. It has exposed the limits of our socio-economic systems. Even the Netherlands with its …

Opinion Caroline Fiennes 23 September 2020

We don’t know how to get donors to use more evidence to improve their giving

What aids and impedes donors using evidence to make their giving more effective? This question motivated a two researchers at the University of Birmingham to do a wide search of the academic and non-academic literature …

Opinion Klaus Milke 22 September 2020

Foundations can make a difference in the COVID-19 and climate crisis

F20: Cooperate and leave your silo! Continuity, the readiness for cooperation, credibility and a real convening power were cornerstones demonstrated by the platform Foundations 20 at the ‘F20 Climate Solutions Week’ from September 14-17. It …

Special feature Alliance magazine 1 September 2020

In profile: Philanthropic investing

Foundations are actively using a greater range of their assets to pursue their underlying aims. These investments span a wide variety of form, purpose and recipient, a sample of which is featured here Foundations going …

News Alliance magazine 29 August 2020

African Philanthropy Forum launches Systems Change Program

The African Philanthropy Forum has launched an initiative that will look to address systemic problems that have hindered the potential growth of Africa for decades and accelerate systems change initiatives across the continent. The APF …