Search Results for 'climate'

News Alliance magazine 28 March 2020

$3 million fund to bring global ideas addressing health impacts of climate change to the US

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RJWF) has issued a new call for proposals to bring the most impactful ideas from around the world to U.S. cities to help address the health impacts of climate change and …

Opinion Julia Woods 19 March 2020

Four lessons learned from COVID-19 and how they are applicable to the fight against climate change

As we write this, cities across the globe are becoming ghost towns as public spaces, schools, businesses, and places of worship close their doors to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Along with carbon emissions and …

News Alliance magazine 12 March 2020

Calouste Gulbenkian announce €1 million prize to reward innovation in tackling climate crisis

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation recently announced a €1 million prize to reward outstanding work in climate change mitigation and adaptation.  The Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity will be awarded annually and will aim to recognise people, groups of people and/or …

News Alliance magazine 19 February 2020

Jeff Bezos launches $10 billion Earth Fund to fight climate change

Jeff Bezos has pledged $10 billion in grants through the ‘Bezos Earth Fund’ initiative to fight the impacts of climate change. The funds will be available from this summer and are aiming to spark ‘collective …

Practical advice 1 Eva Rehse 3 February 2020

Funding through a climate lens: How can funders strategically respond to climate change?

Climate change is the largest and most pervasive threat to both people and the planet. Yet, too often funders still tend to think of climate change as siloed in our analysis and responses, or a …

Conference Alliance magazine 29 January 2020

Supporting Action on Climate Change: Dinner & Discussion for the Philanthropic Community

News Alliance magazine 28 January 2020

ClimatePhilanthropy2030 – a commitment from the board and staff of Alliance

Today, Alliance magazine has launched ClimatePhilanthropy2030 – our commitment to provide over 500 pieces of unique content on climate philanthropy over the next decade. Read our public pledge Climate change is a defining issue of our …

Page Alliance magazine 27 January 2020

ClimatePhilanthropy2030 – a commitment from the board and staff of Alliance

There is general agreement that the devastating impact of climate change is a defining issue of our times and a major social and inter-generational justice issue disproportionately affecting the world’s poorest people, communities and countries, …

Opinion Marie-Stéphane Maradeix 24 January 2020

A philanthropic coalition for climate emergency and social justice

This article was written for the European Foundation Centre as part of a specially commissioned blog series celebrating Its 30th anniversary. Click here to read more posts from some of the most influential thought-leaders on philanthropy discussing the past, present …

News Alliance magazine 22 January 2020

India climate collaborative launched by industry leaders

In a bold effort to solve India’s climate challenge, over ten of the country’s foremost philanthropies have come together to found the India Climate Collaborative (ICC). The ICC marks the first-ever collective response by philanthropy …