Search Results for 'SDG'

Opinion Lan Keqi 26 March 2021

‘Life on land’: the Lao Niu Wetland Protection Project

Established in 2004, the Inner Mongolia Lao Niu Foundation works mainly on environmental protection, culture and education, and industry promotion. Its work involves multiple SDGs. As of 2019, it has carried out 255 public welfare …

Opinion Delphine Moralis 24 March 2021

Mainstreaming children’s rights: an investment for a better tomorrow

Thirty-one years after the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ‘progress has gone backwards on every key measure of childhood’ according to a report published earlier this month by UNICEF. As …

Conference Report Amy McGoldrick 23 March 2021

Alliance webinar: Law, philanthropy and justice

Celebrating the launch of Alliance’s new issue in our 25th year, last week’s webinar explored the relationship between philanthropy and the law. Guest editors and panellists Nicolette Naylor (Ford Foundation, South Africa) and David Sampson …

Opinion 1 Byron Bitanihirwe 12 March 2021

Harnessing the power of philanthropy to support mental health during Covid-19

As the nature of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to evolve, a number of socio-economic and public health vulnerabilities have been exposed. These vulnerabilities range from student equity and job uncertainty to overwhelmed healthcare systems – …

News 1 Elika Roohi 10 March 2021

Andrew Steer named President and CEO of $10 billion Bezos Earth Fund

Andrew Steer, who currently serves as CEO of the environmental non-profit World Resources Institute, will join the Bezos Earth Fund as President and CEO in the coming weeks, announced Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos yesterday. According …

Special feature Lorenzo M. Wakefield 2 March 2021 For Subscribers

Financing people-centred justice in Africa

In the many places where access to justice is limited, funders should put money into supporting community-based paralegals The 2019 ‘Justice for All’ report found that 5.1 billion people – a staggering two-thirds of the …

Letter John Barnes 2 March 2021

How to fund health advocacy

As noted by Angela Nguku in your issue on global health philanthropy (Alliance, December 2020), advocacy by civil society has been a critical part of the progress in health over the past 20 years. Civil …

Opinion 3 Benjamin Bellegy 15 February 2021

A call to philanthropy: let’s help build societies that are tech-enabled, not tech-led

In the Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of The Typographic Man, we learn that the printing press revolutionised the world by making possible the rise of individualism, Protestantism and modern capitalism. The author, Marshall McLuhan, concludes …

Opinion 2 Peter Brach 8 February 2021

Why I fund philanthropy support organisations

I fund PSOs and umbrella organisations because under the right circumstances the outcome can be enormous. My grantmaking focuses on low-risk, high-return approaches for achieving broad impact. Based on my experience to date, both are …

Conference reports Geoff Mulgan 2 February 2021

Fixing the plumbing: from shared data to shared imagination

This is a fascinating time for philanthropy, with so many very intense short-term pressures. But there is also a hunger to address long term challenges, which are not so hard to see: dealing with social …