Search Results for 'SDGs'

Opinion Rien van Gendt 22 February 2021

Blended value: financial returns, SDG’s and gender in harmony

How enlightened would it be, if foundations were to use gender lens investing as one of their strategies to contribute to a more sustainable world? Philanthropy and sustainable investing should be natural allies with a …

Opinion 3 Benjamin Bellegy 15 February 2021

A call to philanthropy: let’s help build societies that are tech-enabled, not tech-led

In the Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of The Typographic Man, we learn that the printing press revolutionised the world by making possible the rise of individualism, Protestantism and modern capitalism. The author, Marshall McLuhan, concludes …

Conference reports Geoff Mulgan 2 February 2021

Fixing the plumbing: from shared data to shared imagination

This is a fascinating time for philanthropy, with so many very intense short-term pressures. But there is also a hunger to address long term challenges, which are not so hard to see: dealing with social …

Interview Alliance magazine 14 January 2021

Tech, strategic philanthropy, and giving trends in India: Philanthropists Nandan and Rohini Nilekani

In a new interview series titled The Business of Philanthropy, Badr Jafar, Emirati philanthropist and Founding Patron of the Centre for Strategic Philanthropy at the University of Cambridge, speaks with fellow philanthropists Nandan and Rohini …

Interview Elika Roohi 5 January 2021

Inequality and infections: philanthropy must be a catalyst for changing power imbalances

When UCL Professor Sarah Hawkes founded Global Health 50/50, she and co-founder Kent Buse were interested in understanding how the global health system performed against its professed commitments to gender equity. Hawkes wasn’t surprised to …

News Alliance magazine 27 December 2020

AVPN launches new podcast “Money Meets Mission”

The Asia Venture Philanthropy Network, the largest social investing community in Asia, has launched a new podcast hosed by its CEO Naina Subberwal Batra that brings in leaders from across the business, philanthropy, and impact …

News Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan 8 December 2020

Open Society Foundations urge reset of global health funding

Health philanthropy leaders at the Open Society Foundations have called for a change of direction in global health funding which they say too often favours ‘private interests over public provision’. The Open Society Foundations’ Julia …

Special feature Ban Ki-moon 1 December 2020

Philanthropy for fairer healthcare

Philanthropy has a long tradition of funding health services and research. In the wake of Covid-19, it needs to play an equally strong part in ensuring fair access to healthcare Covid-19 has exposed the acute …

Practical advice Krista Donaldson and Stephanie Simpson 30 November 2020

Funding maternal and newborn health innovation: 5 ways to accelerate SDG progress

For hundreds of thousands of women and babies around the world, health disparities continue to cause too many tragic and preventable deaths each year. The Sustainable Development Goals challenge us to reduce global maternal mortality …

Opinion Denderah Rickmers and Amanda Kee 9 November 2020

How belief systems propel philanthropic innovations in Asia

Around the world, humanity is drawing on beliefs – religious, social, or cultural values – to guide us through what has been called ‘the new normal.’ This is particularly relevant in Asia, where at least 60 …