Search Results for 'climate'

Opinion John Fullerton 1 June 2013

A ‘Gospel of Wealth’ for the 21st century

In his Gospel of Wealth, published in 1901, Andrew Carnegie declares, ‘The amassing of wealth is one of the worst species of idolatry.’ He states his position on the ‘duty of the man of Wealth’ …

Letter Jackie Turpin 1 June 2013

Why foundations should be responsible investors

I very much welcomed Catherine Howarth’s article on ‘why foundations should be shareholder activists’ (Alliance, March 2013). The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, a Quaker foundation, would probably regard itself as having been a responsible investor …

News Mark Campanale 1 June 2013

Carbon Tracker aims to avert carbon bubble risks

As governments convene for their annual climate change talks in Bonn, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is just about to pass the symbolically important 400ppm level for the first time ever [1].  …

Conference reports 2 Andrew Ho 29 May 2013

Use your freedom! Reflections from the EDGE Funders Alliance 2013 Just Giving Conference

The EDGE Funders Alliance Just Giving conference in Washington DC, 21-23 May, brought together some 250 donors, activists and allies on the theme of ‘What is to be done? And how do we do it?’ …

News Alliance magazine 2 May 2013

Alliance magazine: An interview with Jeremy Leggett, chair of Carbon Tracker

‘We need to replace these high-carbon fuels with renewable energy, and we need to do it fast, as though preparing for war. ’ Following the release of the second report from Carbon Tracker, Unburnable Carbon: Avoiding …

Interview Alliance magazine 1 May 2013

Interview – Jeremy Leggett

On 18 April Carbon Tracker, a UK-based foundation-led initiative, released its second report, Unburnable Carbon: Avoiding wasted capital and stranded assets. We need a managed, rapid and complete retreat from the use of fossil fuels …

Opinion 2 Lena Baumgartner 16 April 2013

Funders are in the driving seat when it comes to developing a culture of impact measurement – but are they heading in the right direction?

At a time when many charities are facing falling incomes and rising demands, it has never been more important for them to be able to understand and assess their achievements. Funders have a huge influence …

Conference reports Terry Odendahl and Global Greengrants Fund 11 April 2013

Bold ideas for global philanthropy, the Brazilian Way, Broken Windows: Council on Foundations Conference 2013

The Council on Foundations annual conference began its programme in Chicago with a packed pre-conference day of ‘Bold Ideas for Global Philanthropy’. Having attended CoF at least 20 times over the last 30 years, it …

Special feature Bin Pei 1 March 2013

Observations on philanthropy in China

In 2012, philanthropy was discussed more heatedly in China than ever. While some were pessimistic and little has been done by the government, there are many ‘leapfrog’ opportunities for the country’s philanthropy. Here are a …

Special feature Jenny Hodgson 1 March 2013

Building something new for the future

Dramatic shifts in the political and economic landscape of many low and middle- income countries in recent years have resulted in the emergence of a new class of wealthy individuals. This has led to a …