Search Results for 'climate'

Opinion Alliance magazine 15 November 2013

Just published: Jeremy Leggett calls on foundations to wake up to risk taking in the global energy system

‘The long-awaited fifth IPCC scientific assessment of climate change poses society with big questions, once again, about how to handle high-consequence but slow-burning risks.’ So writes Jeremy Leggett, chair of Carbon Tracker and founder and …

Analysis Jeremy Leggett 15 November 2013

Waking up to risk taking in the global energy system

The long-awaited fifth IPCC scientific assessment of climate change poses society with big questions, once again, about how to handle high-consequence but slow-burning risks. We have a worrying collective tendency to be blind to the …

Opinion Theresa Lloyd and Beth Breeze 15 October 2013

How has UK philanthropy changed over the past decade?

Richer Lives: why rich people give is an in-depth study of what drives rich people to give to charity, based on new research with over 80 wealthy UK donors, as well as a dozen philanthropy …

News Alliance magazine 1 September 2013

Heron Foundation stakes everything for mission

A pioneer of mission investing, the F B Heron Foundation is planning to take the approach to its logical limit. Over the next five years, it will fully invest its $274 million endowment to advance …

News Africa Philanthropy Network 1 September 2013

AGN – Resources for building sustainable philanthropy in Africa

According to the MDGs 2013 progress chart, Sub-Saharan Africa is making insufficient progress on developing global partnerships. In the world of African foundations, at least, this situation is changing, and conversations are starting to explore …

Special feature Stephen Pittam 1 September 2013

The power of money

Six months after I had started working for the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) a close friend said to me, ‘you have changed – you expect people to listen to you.’ It was a good …

Opinion Julian Poulter 25 July 2013

Dealing with high carbon assets: time for foundations to up their game?

Under almost any climate mitigation scenario, investors in high carbon assets will one day awake to find that their portfolio has been hit by a rapid repricing in carbon liabilities. The only issue is when. …

Conference reports Malcolm Hayday 5 July 2013

INAISE conference holds out prospect of socially inclusive banking order

In recent years Mexico has earned a certain financial notoriety, whether from the Compartamos IPO or the alleged money-laundering activities of HSBC and others. The World Bank considers Mexico to be an ‘advanced middle income …

News Alliance magazine 4 July 2013

Interview with Dr Jim Yong Kim published on Alliance website

The relationship between foundations and the World Bank Group has not always been easy. In recent years, however, a new spirit of collaboration has become apparent. The Bank really does want to work with foundations, …

Interview Alliance magazine 1 July 2013

Interview – Dr Jim Yong Kim

The relationship between foundations and the World Bank Group has not always been easy. In recent years, however, a new spirit of collaboration has become apparent. The Bank really does want to work with foundations, …