Search Results for 'climate'

News Elaine Smith 26 September 2014

Why philanthropy should take note of a new social and environmental index for the Amazon

Lots of people talk about conserving the Amazon rainforest, which harbours one-third of the world’s tropical forests and the planet’s largest hydrographic basin. The forests of the region retain vast amounts of carbon and play a …

News Alliance magazine 24 September 2014

Divestment movement boosted by Rockefellers’ decision to divest from fossil fuels

John D. Rockefeller built a vast fortune on oil. Now his heirs are abandoning fossil fuels. The family whose legendary wealth flowed from Standard Oil announced on Monday that its $860 million philanthropic organization, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, …

Opinion Alliance magazine 18 September 2014

Foundations urged to turn the tide on global warming while there’s still time

Time is running out for society on global warming. We have to speed up our response and the world’s philanthropists and foundations could make a crucial difference. This is the message of the largest and …

Special feature Samantha Gilbert, John Harvey and Wangsheng Li 1 September 2014

People: philanthropy’s great strength

Pick up any edition of Alliance from the past few years, and one message is clear. In truly unprecedented ways, the global philanthropy sector is on the move, popping up in new places, growing in …

Letter Phillip Henderson 1 September 2014

Responses to Mari Kuraishi’s ‘From crowdfunding to crowdsourcing’

‘Crowdfunding favours urgent and tangible needs such as disaster relief, or heart surgery for a specific individual. It is not necessarily effective in mobilizing deep, sustained support, and may even “crowd out” public policy challenges …

Special feature Michael Wills and Hazel Douglas 1 September 2014

Keeping HR on its toes

‘Lavish time on recruitment’ Tom Peters, Thriving on Chaos Twenty years ago, for many organizations, recruitment was pretty hit and miss. Often the selection process was simply a chat over coffee, or a meeting with …

News Alliance magazine 22 August 2014

New public-private partnerships for Africa and Asia

On 19 August the Rockefeller Foundation and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) announced that they are collaborating on a $100 million effort to help regions of Africa and Asia respond more quickly and …

Opinion Alliance magazine 20 August 2014

Now free to read – Interview with Robert Rubinstein

First published 01 April  2014, by Alliance magazine. In trying to get the business community to participate in an economy which takes into account people and the environment, not just profit, Robert Rubinstein, founder of  …

Page 1 Alliance magazine 25 July 2014

Contact us

The Alliance team Executive Editor Charles Keidan Contact me for editorial enquiries and queries regarding the Critical friend column. Digital Editor Charlotte Kilpatrick Contact me for enquiries regarding digital content including Latest From …

News Alliance magazine 7 July 2014

Radical funding body Edge Fund passes quarter million landmark

The UK-based Edge Fund, which supports grassroots groups aiming at radical social change, has raised its first £250,000. Following the motto ‘radical funding for radical change’, funding decisions are put in the hands of those …