Search Results for 'climate'

Analysis Andrew Milner and Caroline Hartnell 16 March 2015

Foundations and the SDGs: the ‘conspicuous absentees’ speak out

The philanthropic community has been ‘conspicuously absent from the SDG debate’, according to Kevin Watkins of the UK’s Overseas Development Institute, writing in the March 2015 issue of Alliance. However, as he suggests, the Sustainable …

Analysis Ursula Miniszewski 2 March 2015

Audacious philanthropy for our time

Climate change is happening now, and women and children are the hardest hit. Women walk further when water runs out, and work harder for less when changing rainfall wreaks havoc on crops. Fourteen times more …

Analysis Kevin Watkins 2 March 2015

The SDGs: a shopping list that matters

Mention the words ‘sustainable development goals’ – or SDGs – outside the inner circle of UN officials, government representatives and civil society groups involved in drafting them and you are guaranteed one outcome: glazed eyes …

Book review Alejandro Litovsky 2 March 2015

The Resilience Dividend: Being strong in a world where things go wrong – Judith Rodin

Review by Alejandro Litovsky I was intrigued by the invitation of a prime minister to discuss social innovation, so I attended the unusual political meeting last January in Berlin, which was hosted by German Chancellor …

Conference reports Genevieve Maitland Hudson 13 February 2015

A measurement revolution for the feudal barons of the charity world?

In an article published in the Spectator yesterday, Miles Goslett writes about Kids Company and an odd sequence of events surrounding a donation to the charity. In a Spectator blog post and linked article I offer …

Conference reports Volker Then 10 February 2015

Can the tail wag the dog? Research foundations building capacity for the future

This recent Carlsberg Foundation conference was organized under a bold title: ‘Building Capacity for the Future’. Foundations across the globe are increasingly discussing the challenges provided by the grand social problems of our time – …

Conference reports David Mattingly 4 February 2015

Funding at the intersection? Navigating the complex world of human rights funding

Last week’s International Human Rights Funders Group (IHRFG) conference in San Francisco    provided a timely opportunity not only to explore current threats and opportunities in the field but also to continue to define the role …

Interview Caroline Hartnell 2 February 2015

Interview with Ridgway White

At the start of this year, Ridgway White became fourth president of the Mott Foundation, taking over in that role from his father, Bill White, who nevertheless remains actively involved in the foundation. That sounds …

Opinion 1 Heather Grady 22 January 2015

Notes from the Field: Exploring New Models for Cross-Sector Collaboration

This article originally appeared on the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors’ website, on 8 January 2015. The original article can be found here> Heather Grady, Senior Fellow, Global Philanthropy, shares observations from her work with the Post-2015 Platform …

Opinion Philanthrocapitalism 6 January 2015

Good Drones, Rising Inequality and Beyond: Ten Predictions for Philanthrocapitalism in 2015

This article originally appeared on Philanthrocapitalism, on 3 January 2015. The original article can be found here> This is going to be a big year for philanthrocapitalism, not least because of the need to agree …