Search Results for 'climate'

Conference reports John Harvey 4 May 2015

Interview with Ford Foundation president Darren Walker

John Harvey sat down with Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation, at the recent Global Philanthropy Forum, for a conversation on how he sees Ford moving forward under his leadership. JH   You’ve fairly recently …

Conference reports 1 Peter Laugharn 1 May 2015

Council on Foundations conference focuses on Sustainable Development Goals

The theme of the Council of Foundations’ annual conference in San Francisco this week was ‘Hope and Opportunity in a Destabilized World’. This theme led directly and logically to a significant emphasis on the ‘Sustainable …

Conference reports Timothy Ogden 1 May 2015

The COF conference: a few thoughts not related to impact investing

A few closing thoughts from the 2015 Council of Foundations’ annual conference not related to impact investing: I came across a couple of intriguing ideas to solve vexing human capital problems in philanthropy and the …

Conference reports Caroline Hartnell 20 April 2015

Optimism on steroids: reflections on the 12th Skoll World Forum

This will probably be my last Skoll World Forum – in a few months I will step down as editor of Alliance after 16 years – and this set me wondering how the event had …

News Alliance magazine 1 April 2015

Campaign for foundations to divest from fossil fuels hots up

On 16 March the UK’s Guardian newspaper launched its ‘Keep it in the ground’ campaign to persuade the world’s two biggest charitable funds, the Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, to move their money out …

News Alliance magazine 26 March 2015

Interim president Julia Stasch chosen to lead MacArthur Foundation

On 11 March it was announced that Julia M Stasch, who has served as interim president for the past eight months, has been chosen as the next president of the John D and Catherine T …

Opinion Caroline Hartnell 24 March 2015

Can women save the planet? A new report shows the way

Global Greengrants Fund (GGF) executive director Terry Odendahl believes women will save the planet – but not without equal rights and in concert with men. But we haven’t got much time, so how can we …

News Alliance magazine 19 March 2015

Nature Conservancy debt swap raises finance for conservation in Seychelles

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has announced that its NatureVest division will support a debt-swap deal between the government of the Seychelles and its Paris Club creditors in exchange for the government’s commitment to additional marine conservation and climate …

News Alliance magazine 17 March 2015

Keep it in the ground, Guardian newspaper urges world’s two biggest foundations

‘Keep it in the ground. Join us in urging the world’s two biggest charitable funds to move their money out of fossil fuels,’ urges the UK’s Guardian newspaper. Below is the text of the petition …

Opinion NCRP, Niki Jagpal and Ryan Schlegel 17 March 2015

Five things philanthropy needs to do to support leadership development

The social change landscape is a complex network of advocacy organizations, community organizing groups and the funders who support them.  Too often, funders lose sight of the role that grassroots leaders play in advancing progress. …