Search Results for 'climate'

News Global Greengrants Fund 1 June 2015

Global Greengrants Fund establishes sister organization in Europe

European donors now have an easy way to direct support to frontline communities addressing dire threats to their environment and rights. Since 1993 Global Greengrants Fund has directed more than $45 million in grants to …

News CIVICUS 1 June 2015

CIVICUS: Toolkit to initiate cross-sector collaboration

The social challenges the world faces today have several causes and different effects, which often take place in rapidly changing social and political contexts. Think, for example, of climate change and inequality. Traditional responses have …

Analysis 2 Musimbi Kanyoro 1 June 2015

Why we need a standalone SDG for women and girls

2015 is a critical year for gender equality. It is 20 years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, where women’s rights were finally formally recognized as human rights and progress on gender equality …

Editorial Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2015

Goodbye, Alliance!

It hardly seems possible that, after 16 amazing years, my time with Alliance is almost at an end. Paula Park, my successor, takes up her post on 1 June, and we will work together to …

Conference reports Caroline Hartnell 28 May 2015

EFC conference 2015: a growing sense of urgency in a critical year

A sense of urgency ran through the opening plenary of the 26th European Foundation Centre (EFC) annual conference, held in Milan last week (20-22 May). ‘Can we afford the luxury of the long view?’ asked …

Conference reports Christian Gahrmann 25 May 2015

Borrowing is the New Innovation

Though not officially on the agenda, there was one message popping up in many sessions and speeches on the 26th EFC Annual Conference in Milan: “Borrowing is the new innovation!” Companies do it, NGOs do …

Conference reports Paula Park 25 May 2015

Divest-Invest: Modelling the energy transition with our investments

Foundations’ fossil fuel divestments will neither stop the advancement of traditional energy production, nor ensure that groups’ portfolios are ethical. That’s the view of Haki Abazi, program director for the Western Balkans portion of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s …

Conference reports Caroline Hartnell 21 May 2015

EFC opening plenary: do we have the luxury of the long view?

It was fitting that in a session that began with the award of the EFC’s Compass Prize to the late Pier Mario Vello, recognized as an outstanding visionary and thinker in the philanthropy field, the …

Conference reports Terry Odendahl 20 May 2015

Grantmaking with a Gender Lens

For the second year at the EFC AGA, I joined a meeting of the Thematic Network on Gender Equality, co-chaired by Francois Pissart of the King Baudouin Foundation, Debbie Pippard of the Barrow Cadbury Trust, …

Conference reports Peter Laugharn 6 May 2015

‘The first thing we do, let’s study all the lawyers’ (with apologies to William Shakespeare)

Last week at the global dinner at the Council of Foundations conference, Ed Cain of the Hilton Foundation mentioned that his brother, a lawyer, had come to understand and support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) …