Search Results for 'climate'

Special feature Douglas Rutzen 1 September 2015

Protectionism chills cross-border giving

Cross-border philanthropy is increasingly burdened in many parts of the world. In addition to existing constraints in dozens of countries, more than 30 countries have proposed or enacted such restrictions since 2012. This is the …

Special feature Andrew Milner 1 September 2015

Endowments outside Europe and the US: how far, so far?

Endowments, a mainstay of philanthropy in the US and Europe, are unknown, undeveloped or in decline in many parts of the world. A recent upsurge in some countries reflects a reaction to the 2008 economic …

News European Foundation Centre 1 September 2015

European Foundation Centre: Learning from Ghent inclusion programme

In June members of the EFC Forum for Roma Inclusion came together in Ghent in Belgium to learn from the city’s internationally-heralded inclusion programmes. The Forum works to mobilize the foundation sector to help further …

Interview Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2015

Interview with Hilary Pennington

There are changes afoot at the Ford Foundation with a new philanthropy programme. Darren Walker, Ford Foundation president, announced a new focus on inequality and a commitment to provide more general operating support, in a …

Special feature Bhekinkosi Moyo 1 September 2015

An enabling environment for ‘informal philanthropy’?

The question of an enabling environment for informal philanthropy is an apparently simple, but actually complex, one. Simple because its informality seems to make it both unnecessary and next to impossible to regulate. Complex because …

Special feature Andrew Milner 1 September 2015

Young donors’ attitudes to giving

Among young philanthropists, the words effectiveness and impact circulate widely in talk about projects and organizations funded. With their sights on the environment and other global issues, they take a hands-on approach. But how clear …

Interview 3 Caroline Hartnell 3 August 2015

Interview with Ellen Dorsey of the Wallace Global Fund

The Wallace Global Fund has been spearheading the burgeoning divest-invest philanthropy movement, which encourages foundations to divest from fossil fuels assets and invest instead in renewables. Executive director Ellen Dorsey is more optimistic than she …

Opinion 1 Foundation Center and Bradford Smith 29 June 2015

Philanthropy’s Difficult Dance With Inequality

America’s foundations do not easily use the word “inequality.” This may seem surprising in the wake of the Ford Foundation’s recent announcement that it will refocus 100 percent of its grantmakingon “inequality in all its …

Opinion Foundation Center 5 June 2015

5 Questions for…Bill McKibben, Co-Founder,

This post originally appeared on Philanthropy News Digest’s PhilanTopic blog. PND and PhilanTopic are services of Foundation Center. The original article can be found here> Forty-five years after the first Earth Day in 1970, efforts to …

Product Alliance magazine 1 June 2015

June 2015

Alliance is pleased to offer free access to this issue thanks to Feedback Labs and Fund for Shared Insight who are sponsoring the removal of the paywall in order that the content can be shared …