Search Results for 'climate'

Analysis Alliance magazine 17 May 2016

British foundations and the European Union referendum

On 23 June 2016, the UK holds a referendum on whether to remain in or leave the European Union (EU). The question has split opinion with an average of the latest polls by Opinium, ICM …

News Alliance magazine 12 May 2016

Interview with Stephen Heintz, CEO, Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Last week we published an exclusive interview with Stephen Heintz, CEO, Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Subscribers to Alliance can read the full interview here. In a wide ranging discussion with our editor, Charles Keidan, Stephen Heintz …

Interview Charles Keidan 3 May 2016

Interview with Stephen Heintz, CEO of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Courageous philanthropy Foundations should take risks – it’s one of the sector’s truisms – but they often don’t. But there are exceptions. Stephen Heintz, the long standing CEO of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) has …

News CIVICUS 25 April 2016

As civil society faces global crisis, leading activists plan fight back

A repressive trend of increased attacks on the people and organisations that defend our basic human rights is leading to a crisis for civil society, says CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance. CIVICUS is currently …

Conference reports Holly Steell 25 April 2016

Alliance Breakfast Club – Refugees and migration: philanthropy responds

The latest Alliance breakfast club, held in association with the Barrow Cadbury Trust and sponsored by Smart Simple, addressed how philanthropy is responding to the refugees crisis and current migration. This theme was inspired by …

Conference reports Alecia Foster 8 April 2016

Day three of the 2016 Global Philanthropy Forum

Cairo. Seoul. Moscow. Silicon Valley? Yes, the U.S. State Department has recently opened an office in the foreign land of tech giants.  ‘Technology has an incredible ability to move the needle and move things forward,’ …

News Alliance magazine 31 March 2016

Rockefeller Family Fund to divest from fossil fuels

The Rockefeller Family Fund has announced that it intends to divest from fossil fuels. In a press release they argue: ‘While the global community works to eliminate the use of fossil fuels, it makes little …

Editorial Charles Keidan 15 March 2016

Refugees and migration: philanthropy responds

So much trouble in the world. Sixty million people have been forced to leave their homes. Twenty million have fled their country of origin. Around 1.5 million landed on the shores or crossed the borders …

Special feature Timothy Ogden, Ayesha Saran and Atallah Kuttab 15 March 2016

The Syrian crisis: a challenge for philanthropy

It is a rare event that captures global philanthropy’s attention. The stream of refugees from Syria is one of them. There is a serious humanitarian crisis under way, and a rapid response is called for.  …

News CIVICUS 14 March 2016

CIVICUS: Global civil society platform on sustainable development 

Caption: In 2015, citizens gathered on London’s Millennium Bridge and other famous landmarks around the world to call on world leaders to adopt the SDGs. 2016 ushers in the implementation phase of the Sustainable Development …