Search Results for 'climate'

News Alliance magazine 6 September 2016

US foundations finance clean energy in India

Four US foundations – the Packard, MacArthur and Hewlett Foundations and the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment – are working with the Indian government to fund two clean energy finance initiatives. They …

Special feature Charles Keidan 6 September 2016

Foundations or philanthropy: what’s in a name? Interview with Gerry Salole

A key feature of the European Foundation Centre’s new strategic framework is the shift in emphasis from ‘foundations’ to ‘philanthropy’, as reflected in the name of the EFC headquarters, Philanthropy House. What is the significance …

Letter Julian Poulter 6 September 2016

Engagement needs more time to prove itself

In the June issue of Alliance, Ellen Dorsey, Sian Ferguson and Clara Vondrich made the case for divestment of assets from fossil fuel companies on ethical, financial and fiduciary grounds. Mark O’Kelly disagreed, arguing that …

Special feature Joanne Florino 6 September 2016

The case for philanthropic freedom

‘In the United States, as soon as several inhabitants have taken an opinion or an idea they wish to promote in society, they seek each other out and unite together once they have made contact.’ …

Conference reports Don Cipriani 26 July 2016

IHRFG conference – funders aren’t sitting on the SDG sidelines

On July 11, 2016, the International Human Rights Funders Group (IHRFG) brought thirty-seven grantmakers together for their thought-provoking Institute on “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Why They Matter for Human Rights and How Funders Can …

Opinion Foundation Center and Maria Amalia Souza 26 July 2016

Defending environmental rights: Funding priorities in the Global South and East

In December, the United Nations awarded its Equator Prize 2015 to two Munduruku leaders from the Brazilian Amazon in recognition of their struggle to protect ancestral territory and sacred rivers from a mega-dam. What caught …

News Prospera 13 July 2016

International Network of Women’s Funds has a new name

After nearly two decades of work, the International Network of Women’s Funds is embarking on a new phase with a new name! Following a series of consultations with our members, allies, and donors and two …

Opinion David Emerson 30 June 2016

Brexit and the role of foundations – first thoughts

There will be no shortage of comment about the implications of last week’s referendum, for UK civil society and beyond. Necessarily, much will be speculative, but there remains a need to make an initial assessment …

News 11 Stephanie Simpson and Kabanda Obed 15 June 2016

Grassroots forward – New fund launched by the One World Children’s Fund

Recent years have seen the philanthropic sector shift focus from charity to social justice issues that reflect the common threads of humanity that connect us all: equality, prosperity, and peace.  As long term advocates of grassroots …

Special feature Johanna Partin 7 June 2016

A new agenda for city philanthropy

Everybody knows about the Paris Agreement, but what many don’t know is that cities played a crucial role in making it happen. Around 450 mayors from five continents gathered at the Climate Summit for Local …