Search Results for 'climate'

News CIVICUS 29 November 2016

CIVICUS: Action for Sustainable Development – the role of civil society

The concept of inclusion is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals: not only did the UN embark on its biggest public consultation process ever to design the SDGs (over 500,000 people participated), but …

Conference reports Andrew Milner 8 November 2016

Venture philanthropy and the Paris Agreement

‘What is venture philanthropy’s role in the emerging climate financing landscape after the Paris Agreement?’ Well, it’s long but at least you won’t be able to say you went to the wrong session because the title was …

Opinion Monina O’Prey 2 November 2016

Placing the value of local peacebuilding firmly on the Development Aid agenda

Foundations for Peace (FFP) is a global network of local funders working to build peace, alongside social justice, in regions emerging from, or currently experiencing violent conflict. Launched in New York in 2006, the organization …

Opinion Juliet Cockram 20 October 2016

Brexit, philanthropy and major giving – should UK charities be concerned?

This article originally appeared on the City Philanthropy website, on the 10th October 2016. The original article can be found here.  With the dust still settling around June’s controversial “Leave” win in the UK’s referendum on EU membership, charities …

Analysis Oscar Fergutz and Marcela Mondino 18 October 2016

Foundations and cities: adding purpose to urban development

Back in 1976, when Habitat I was held in Vancouver, most institutions, including governments and academia were unaware of the impact of urbanization on development. By the time of Habitat II in Istanbul 20 years …

News Sankalp Forum 13 October 2016

Sustainable access to energy: meet Clean Power Indonesia

This article originally appeared on the Sankalp Forum website, on the 12th July 2016. The original article can be found here. In recent years, there have been increased efforts from world leaders to tackle the major …

Opinion Cathy Pharoah 28 September 2016

Foundations must embrace the spirit of transparency

Foundations today live in a climate of increased public distrust and increased scrutiny of major social and political agencies, and it does not look as if this is going to change any time soon. Charities …

News Alliance magazine 24 September 2016

Call for session proposals for the 2017 EFC Conference

The 2017 Programme Committee is seeking session proposals to fill 10 slots in the EFC Conference Programme. The conference is titled ‘Courage to re-embrace solidarity in Europe. Can philanthropy take the lead?’ and will take …

Special feature Alliance magazine 6 September 2016

What influence does philanthropy exert?

There are increasing signs of philanthropy influencing policy and policy networks but, as yet, no overarching theory of how it does so. Philanthropic traditions vary, as do the political, social and economic contexts in which …

Special feature 1 Charles Keidan 6 September 2016

Interview with Rohini Nilekani

Rohini Nilekani is one of India’s most prominent and outspoken philanthropists. She talks to Alliance editor Charles Keidan about how she gives and to whom; why, for someone whose philanthropy is very public, she sometimes …