Search Results for 'climate'

Special feature Tracey Coule 7 March 2017

Rigour or relevance in philanthropy research? Choose both! 

‘Ivory tower academics have nothing useful to offer practitioners’ – as a former non profit practitioner-turned-academic responsible for running a professional doctorate, delivering management education, undertaking client-driven, applied research projects, and publishing research papers, I have …

Opinion Danny Sriskandarajah 23 February 2017

Against all odds: civil society under fire

Civil society is under fire—sometimes literally—in many countries and in all regions of the world. Governments are clamping down on fundamental civic freedoms. This year’s Global Risks Report highlights the threat to civic space, noting …

Opinion Human Rights Funders Network 15 February 2017

The world is upside-down. What are human rights funders doing to turn it over?

On January 21, one day after the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump, an estimated four million people participated in the Women’s March on Washington and sister marches worldwide. There was a mix of feelings …

Opinion Shona Curvers and NPC 30 January 2017

The campaign in the era of major political shifts

At the time of writing, President Trump has been busy tweeting about the future of healthcare in the States. Specifically, he is claiming ‘the “unaffordable” Care Act will soon be history!’ As Trump settles into …

Opinion Bathylle Missika 10 January 2017

The three circles of philanthropy – Taking a tiered approach to achieving the SDGs

People around the world have little faith in the ability of just governments to deliver on the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They know governments alone can’t promote sustainable development and prosperity for …

Conference reports Dana R. H. Doan 5 December 2016

On Language and Power

I walked into the Global Summit for Community Philanthropy breakout session on narrative and language a bit late and yet my heart started racing as soon as I overheard the inter-related issues the discussion sought to address… …

Opinion Peter Kostishack 1 December 2016

Six ideas to enhance your environmental and human rights grantmaking

It’s a time for celebration and reflection at Global Greengrants Fund – as we recently signed off our 10,000th grant. After 22 years of effort given by so many people to reach this achievement, it …

Special feature Janet Mawiyoo and Caesar Ngule 29 November 2016

Where the horizontal meets the vertical

From 1997 to 2010, Kenya enjoyed a significant share of foreign aid with many organizations depending entirely on it for their operation. Following the recession and the subsequent reclassification of Kenya as a low- to …

Special feature Wendy Richardson 29 November 2016

Community philanthropy’s ‘burning issues’

Supporting environmental activists in Mexico who face a climate of violence and insecurity. Exploring the use of shared spaces in Northern Ireland to address disadvantage and division, particularly across religious affiliation. Equipping and encouraging youth …

News CIVICUS 29 November 2016

CIVICUS: Action for Sustainable Development – the role of civil society

The concept of inclusion is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals: not only did the UN embark on its biggest public consultation process ever to design the SDGs (over 500,000 people participated), but …