Search Results for 'climate'

Conference reports Andrew Milner 2 May 2017

Tales from a philanthropy lab

We were sitting on the stage in a circle, which seemed in itself to presage a worryingly participatory session. As an observer, I hate to be drawn into this kind of thing, but sitting out …

Conference Report Andrew Milner 2 May 2017

EDGE needs to be sharper still

‘If you know everyone at your table, you may be at the wrong table’, declared the facilitator at the start of the 2017 EDGE Funders Alliance conference in Barcelona, a remark which was emblematic of …

Opinion Olivia Lacey 7 April 2017

New Zealand giving

New Zealanders are a generous lot – recent international figures from the Charities Aid Foundation rank New Zealand fourth in the World Index of Giving. Philanthropy in Aotearoa New Zealand includes individuals, trusts, businesses and …

Opinion Chandrika Sahai 31 March 2017

The role of philanthropy in society – what’s there and what’s next?

At the WINGS Forum in Mexico in February 2017, a session was organised to discuss the initial findings of a new study of philanthropy initiated by the Working Group on Philanthropy for Social Justice and …

Opinion Keecha Harris 24 March 2017

Why racial equity? Why now?

This article was originally posted on the Center for Effective Philanthropy, on 16 March 2017. The original article can be found here. In my work with foundations on environmental issues and organizational change, a question I’ve heard …

Analysis Alliance magazine 23 March 2017

Foundation payouts

Welcome to the inaugural Alliance Audio – new ground for Alliance magazine! This is the first in a new series debating key issues in philanthropy with guests from across the foundation world. In our first …

Conference reports 4 Andrés Thompson 9 March 2017

WINGSForum 2017: Business as usual in a changing world

It was the first time that I attended a WINGS Forum and, I must recognize, my expectations were moderate. Big conferences organized by “industry” organizations, such as the ones serving philanthropy, are usually self centered and …

News Council on Foundations 7 March 2017

Council on Foundations: The Trump effect – implications for US philanthropy 

Following the election of Donald Trump, the Council on Foundations has focused on bringing US philanthropy together as changes in national leadership may impact on philanthropy and foundation grantees in a variety of ways.  In …

Special feature Marta Rey- Garcia 7 March 2017

Philanthropy scholarship and practice – bridging the divide

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Bridgekeeper: STOP! What…is your name? Arthur: It is Arthur, King of the Britons! Bridgekeeper: What… is your quest? Arthur: To seek the Holy Grail! Bridgekeeper: What… is the …

Special feature Theda Skocpol 7 March 2017

Why political science should study organized philanthropy

Perhaps because philanthropic gifts do not seem to be the central stuff of politics and public policy, most political scientists – until recently – have left this domain to sociologists, anthropologists and students of non–profits …