Search Results for 'climate'

Conference Report Andrew Milner 20 June 2017

Social investment in Asia: philanthropy’s new venture

‘How many people here don’t have their smartphone within easy reach?’ asked Ong Peng Tsin, Chair of Solve Education in the opening plenary of this year’s Asia Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) conference in Bangkok, 7-9 …

Page Alliance magazine 14 June 2017 For Subscribers

Philanthropy glossary

This is Alliance magazine’s alphabetical glossary of key terms in philanthropy and social investment and links to useful philanthropy organizations. Unless explicitly stated, none are legal definitions. Since many of the terms are current in …

Conference reports Andre Chumko 13 June 2017

Takeaways from Danny Sriskandarajah: Dreaming big and funding social movements

Secretary General of CIVICUS Dr Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah gave a keynote address about brave philanthropy and its role in shaping civil society at Philanthropy New Zealand’s annual Summit on 12 May in Wellington, New Zealand. In …

Conference reports 2 Augusta Hagen-Dillon 7 June 2017

Local solidarity builds philanthropy

In many ways, the closing panel of the 2017 annual EFC conference took participants back to where it began. Brendan Cox cautioned that the philanthropic community will likely fail if we it try to build …

Conference Report Alliance magazine 6 June 2017

Coverage from the 2017 annual EFC conference in Warsaw, Poland

Alliance is proud to have been part of the media coverage for this year’s European Foundation Centre (EFC) conference in Warsaw, Poland.  This year’s EFC annual conference, hosted between 31 May – 2nd June, was …

Analysis Charles Keidan 6 June 2017

European philanthropy gets political but will it last?

European philanthropy has taken a decidedly political turn. Last month over 60 members of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) signed a statement in support of NGO’s in Hungary and condemning the ‘repeated efforts of the …

Conference reports Tine Wickers 6 June 2017

European values under pressure

In many ways the 2017 EFC annual conference  in Warsaw has been a very moving and mind set changing experience. I met young game changers fighting for civil rights and freedom of speech. I heard …

Opinion Rana Kotan 30 May 2017

Strategy for breakfast?

‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast.’ This remark by Peter Drucker is quoted by people who see culture at the heart of all successful institutions. The values of the organization and the way employees collaborate and …

Analysis Andrew Milner 30 May 2017

What happens to the rest of it? How foundations make investments

Low-risk investment companies that channel a small percentage of their assets into philanthropy – that’s how Clara Miller, president of the Heron Foundation described foundations in an interview with Alliance a year ago. It’s on …

Special feature Chiara Rosselli, Elizabeth Phocas and Verena Ringler 30 May 2017

The power of open dialogue: how to keep Europe talking

Fill a room with European policymakers and ask them about European values. You will quickly become aware of how inflammatory the topic of solidarity has become at EU level. In a continent that is divided, …