Search Results for 'climate'

Analysis Alliance magazine 29 April 2018

Philanthropy is booming in the 21st Century

One boon of the explosion in global wealth over the last two decades has been an explosion in  philanthropy across the world. Should there be any doubt the two go hand-in-hand, consider this: 44% of …

Analysis Michael Mapstone 25 April 2018

Unleashing the true potential of philanthropy to transform lives and communities

Over the past couple of years, I have spent an inordinate amount of time in meetings and conferences about the role of philanthropy in _______ (fill the blank with ‘global development’, ‘SDGs’, ‘closing space’, ‘climate …

News Alliance magazine 19 April 2018

How community philanthropy shifts power: what donors can do to help make that happen

While slogans like “think globally, act locally” have been around for decades, so much decision making about philanthropy and development aid still happens by stakeholders outside of affected communities. This GrantCraft Leadership Series paper by …

News Alliance magazine 15 April 2018

Wallace Global Fund to invest stock market windfall back into grantmaking

The Wallace Global Fund is investing all the profits it made in the stock market last year in their grantees’ social and environmental justice campaigns, and calling on other like-minded foundations to increase their spending. This …

Analysis 2 Clara Miller 10 April 2018

A Revolution of Capital

Institutional philanthropy, whose self-appointed roles include providing risk capital for society, leading transformational change and addressing society’s greatest challenges, has not kept up and adjusted to the times. If we want philanthropy to stay relevant …

Analysis 1 Larry McGill 7 April 2018

Infrastructure 2.0: The Future of Philanthropic Impact

In “Towards Infrastructure 2.0: An Ecosystem Approach,” Barry Knight has written a vitally important paper that illuminates one of the most important challenges facing philanthropy today – its lethargy in coming to the realization that …

News Alliance magazine 5 April 2018

Nathan Cummings Foundation commits 100% of endowment to mission-aligned investing

The Nathan Cummings Foundation (NCF) have announced that they will align 100 per cent of their nearly half-billion dollar endowment with their mission to reduce social inequality and mitigate climate change, making it the largest …

Conference reports Evans Rebello 18 March 2018

Impact First: Highlights from Dasra Philanthropy Week 2018

It’s been Dasra’s most ambitious Dasra Philanthropy Week so far, we undertook a bold initiative to take collaboration in India to the next level. To unleash the power of collaborative action we aimed to bring …

Opinion Susan Jessop 7 March 2018

Lesbian, bisexual and queer activists on the frontline

‘Most of us cannot be open about our sexuality without the risk of bullying, being fired, or violence. Under the influence of Russian anti-gay propaganda, the climate has not become more friendly in recent years’, …

News Alliance magazine 6 March 2018

Global updates

This is our round-up of philanthropy news around the world featured in the March 2018 issue of Alliance: The Americas Hewlett boosts climate funding by $600 million New model for ‘philanthropy at scale’ CAF research spotlights giving …