Search Results for 'climate'

Opinion 2 Riva Kantowitz 31 May 2019

From the ground up: funding peace building solutions are closer than you think

Dedicated changemakers around the world are engaged in courageous and inspiring efforts to end violence and bring stability to their communities. The ‘localization’ agenda has been on the radar of the international community for several …

Conference reports Cheryl Spain 29 May 2019

New Zealand Philanthropy Summit: a call to action

New Zealand’s Philanthropy Summit wrapped up last Friday and it was an urgent call to action about the depth of the problems we face. It was also a challenging but welcome reminder of the privilege …

Conference reports Kate Frykberg 29 May 2019

Four things I learned at the Philanthropy New Zealand Summit

The Philanthropy Summit, held in Wellington from May 15 – 17 and created by Philanthropy New Zealand, was one of the best learning opportunities I have had in a long time.  Here’s the top four …

Conference Report Alliance magazine 29 May 2019

Liberté, égalité, philanthropie – EFC AGA 2019

Alliance magazine is proud to have been a media partner at this year’s European Foundation Centre conference in Paris, France. We’d like to thank the following contributors: Barry Hoolwerf ERNOP, Dea Vidović Kultura Nova Foundation, Deniz Baskan Sabanci Foundation, Hanna Stähle DAFNE, Liisa Suvikumpu Council of …

Conference reports Nicole van Schaik 28 May 2019

European foundations and philanthropists need to act now and help re-frame the narrative

 As we process the implications of the European election, all the ideas gathered and pledges made at last week’s European Foundation Centre’s annual conference in Paris seem so pertinent and strategic. Of all the conversations …

Conference reports Amy McGoldrick 28 May 2019

True solidarity has a way to go

My last sessions at the EFC’s 2019 Conference followed a wonderful site visit to ‘le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde’, a circus school as well as a haven for artists, a social networking laboratory and …

Conference reports Amy McGoldrick 28 May 2019

The magic at the edges

My first EFC 2019 session was Who decides? How funders can open up the decision-making process to include those they seek to serve. An incredibly popular session, the room swelled with so many bodies that …

Conference reports Liz Hayes 27 May 2019

The power and potential of philanthropy

‘Liberte, Egalite, Philanthropie’ was the focus of this year’s EFC AGA, and while interesting discussions of freedom and solidarity flowed among the many philanthropic institutions gathered in Paris, it was the talk of equality that …

Conference reports Amy McGoldrick 24 May 2019

Avoiding caricatures: Day three at the EFC Conference, ‘Fraternité & philanthropie’ Plenary

The EFC’s 2019 conference has brought about “a lot of emotions, a lot of work and a lot of fun” began Laurence de Nervaux (Fondation de France). Three days later and the assembly hall was …

Conference reports Hanna Stähle 24 May 2019

How can philanthropy live up to the values of liberté, égalité and fraternité in today’s fragile world?

While I am writing these lines, the melody of the Anthem of Europe, Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, reverberates in my head. ‘O friends, no more of these sounds! Let us sing more cheerful songs, more songs of …